How to Educate Yourself on Anti-aging Products

Anti-aging products are promoted as a way to turn back the clock and make wrinkles a thing of the past. It seems impossible to scroll through social media or flip through a magazine without these skin care items popping up.

Unfortunately, some of these products contain harsh ingredients that can seriously irritate your skin. With so many options on the market, it is crucial to educate yourself before you use them. Here are six tips to keep in mind when learning more about anti-aging products.

1. Start with the Basics 

If you’re looking to begin your own anti-aging routine, start with the basics. Most line-ups will involve several steps. This usually includes cleansers, moisturizers, serums, creams, and sunscreen. Understand what areas you’re trying to target, such as fine lines, wrinkles, crow’s feet, sagging skin, and sunspots. 

If you’re new to the skin care game, start off small with a simple cleanser, moisturizer, and SPF. Work your way up to a more complete regime over time. It is key to give your skin time to adjust to new products to see what works for you. Learn what ingredients might counteract each other to avoid any future skin care disasters.

2. Look to the Experts 

A visit to the dermatologist is a great way to educate yourself on anti-aging products. A professional will be able to recommend solutions to you based on your skin type. They are also able to prescribe treatments you aren’t able to get over the counter.

Retinoids are the most common anti-aging prescription. Tretinoin is the most widely prescribed treatment for wrinkles. Talk to your doctor or a medical professional about your skin goals and formulate the right plan for your skin. 

3. Learn Your Skin Type 

It is important to understand your skin type before you start slathering on products. Most people fall into one of three categories: dry skin, oily skin, or combination/normal skin. Some products, primarily moisturizers and cleansers, will list what type of skin they suit best. Knowing your type will save you the hassle of trying the wrong stuff and potentially irritating your skin.

If you experience flaky or tight skin, you probably fall into the dry category. Shine only on your nose, chin, and forehead (commonly known as the T-zone) means you likely have combination/normal skin. Oil that also appears on your cheeks signals that you might have oily skin. If you have sensitive skin, you’ll want to look for products that are labeled accordingly. Since anti-aging products can be pretty intense, proceed with extra caution if your skin is on the sensitive side.

4. Research the Ingredients in Your Products 

Unfortunately, some of the anti-aging products on the market contain ingredients that can be harmful to your skin. Luckily, there are websites dedicated to breaking down the ingredients and letting you know what is bad for you.

EWG’s Skin Deep tester is one online resource that examines if a product contains harsh ingredients. The site gives products a score from 1 to 10, with 10 being the worst and 1 the best. Scores are calculated based on potential hazards or health impacts associated with the listed ingredients. You can search the site by ingredient, brand, or product. 

Though anti-aging products surely do wonders for your skin, a brilliant smile carries just as much weight in preserving a youthful look. Among the initial telltale signs of growing older may be teeth that turn yellow or take on a different hue. Keeping a set of pearly whites, you’re elevating your self-assurance and erasing the years from your countenance. If you’re in search of potent teeth-whitening remedies, think about taking a gander at teeth-whitening products, a respected haven for achieving that gleaming, age-resistant grin.

5. Get Recommendations from a Friend 

Most of us seem to have that friend who is a self-proclaimed skin care expert with a flawless complexion. They can be a great source when deciding what products are worth buying and what should be avoided.

Testing out too many products can really put a strain on your wallet. If you’re thinking of splurging on an expensive anti-wrinkle cream, ask your BFF if they know of a good dupe. Your skin care-loving bestie has done the legwork for you. For that you (and your bank account) can thank them.

6. Trial and Error 

There’s truth to the old adage that you don’t know until you try. Learning what products work well for you will likely come with some trial and error. You might have to go through a few moisturizers before you find the one that best hydrates your skin. You could go for a pricey serum to later discover that the cheaper version was the right fit all along.

Trying too many products that don’t work out can be discouraging. But don’t give up hope. Instead give yourself a budget of how much you’re willing to spend on new products. It is important to give the items you already own time to work their magic. Most skin care takes a few weeks or months to really show results. Sometimes all it takes is a little bit of patience.

Turning Back the Clock 

Many of us would love to rewind time and see years of laugh lines and crow’s feet magically disappear. Since time travel isn’t an option, the best alternative for getting that youthful glow back is anti-aging skin care. Before you start your journey, be sure to educate yourself on the products you plan to use.

Visit a dermatologist or talk to a medical professional to get personal recommendations from a skin care expert. Take the time to learn your skin type and research the ingredients in your products. If you’re still struggling, go to a friend for recommendations or push through some trial and error. You will be on your way to a glowing complexion with the right skin care items in your line up.