Email Marketing and Its Financial Impact

Big companies understand the power of email marketing. Email marketing can have a major financial impact on your business.

Here are five reasons investing in Email should be part of your strategy.

1. Emails generate better results than most marketing channels.

It has the highest ROI (return of investment) and the best conversion rate.

2. You can personalize your content

Create content that’s relevant to your recipients’ interests, shopping activities, customer journeys, and other relevant factors. Study your email marketing funnels to send suitable content to your customers based on where they are in the buying cycle.

3. Emails can bring loads of traffic to your website.

You can use emails to remind your audience of your brand and show a glimpse of your website content.

4. You can integrate your emails with your other marketing channels.

Emails help amplify other channels in your integrated marketing campaign, such as social media marketing, webinars, and content marketing.

5. Emails improve brand awareness.

By using emails, you can improve your customers’ understanding of your brand. You can communicate your values, mission, products, services, etc.

How often should you email clients?

Send too many emails and you turn into an annoying spammer. Send too few and you risk being forgotten.

Finding that frequency ‘sweet spot’ can feel impossible. Fortunately, there is a strategic approach to this dilemma.

Follow these steps for a successful email marketing strategy! Here are five steps to take to decide when and how often to email your contact list.

1. Tell Recipients What to Expect

The fact you just sent the most amazing email with the perfect subject line and call-to-action means nothing if you send so often that your target audience starts placing your emails in the Spam/Junk folder out of sheer annoyance.

2. Be Consistent

To build strong, long-lasting relationships with your target audience, you need to be consistent with your email frequency. If a contact gets accustomed to seeing your emails in their inbox at 8:00 a.m. on a Tuesday while they drink their morning coffee, don’t disappoint them.

3. Segment Your Email List

You wouldn’t keep talking to someone who isn’t listening, would you? So why keep emailing someone who isn’t interested? Using one email frequency for your entire audience isn’t usually effective. Instead, segment your list to make sure the right people hear from you at the right time.

4. Automate Your Campaigns

Regardless of how many subscribers you have and how perfectly you’ve segmented them, you need a tool to help you automate your email campaigns for a smoother, more efficient process.