Gravity: The Weighted Blanket for Sleep, Stress and Anxiety

We come across a lot of products at SWAGGER, we sift through thousands of the most ingenious and most forward thinking things a man could ever imagine. None quite as unique as this weighted blanket called “Gravity”. What if I told you this blanket has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety? or cure insomnia? would you think I was lying? or would you be more intrigued? This blanket not only does all that, but more and does what a basic blanket can do, you know, basic stuff like keeping you warm.

The blanket provides deep pressure stimulation that works much like a masseuse giving you that much needed pressure point relaxation method that people pay hundreds for, while also providing the ability to put your hard working body into a deeper sleep. Coming from an age where people made blankets using leaves and mud, to a blanket that can pretty much cure humanity’s 40 million plus who suffer from anxiety and insomnia, is impressive to say the least.


Although not in full production yet. It is available for pre-order on Kickstarter for a $189.99 price tag.