The Biggest Internet Entertainment Trends for 2017

The internet has proven to be pretty adept at giving us plenty of weird and wonderful ways to stay entertained in the past. 2016 saw mixed-reality gaming hits like Pokémon Go making it big, whilst Snapchat was undoubtedly the social media hit of the year.

And it looks like 2017 will continue to see much more digital entertainment that should hopefully be a little longer-lasting than the mannequin challenge.


Everyone’s live streaming

Thanks to our insatiable curiosity for what everyone else is doing, it looks like we’re going to see live streaming really taking off in 2017.

Video streaming apps like Snapchat and Instagram Live have meant that we’re going to be able to enjoy showing off our slots game wins in real time, whilst our friends attempt to outdo us through broadcasting their live holiday experiences.

And whilst the activities of Cleveland’s Facebook killer show the most horrendous consequences of live video streaming, it’s hoped that this won’t stop more of us enjoying it as a safe and fun way to stay connected with friends.


Waiting for the VR revolution

Much of 2016 was spent waiting for virtual reality to full its immense potential. And once you’d gotten over the motion-induced nausea of your first VR experience, it’s clear that this trend was going to be big, although nobody knew when.

Already many people are speculating as to what will be the breakthrough game for VR entertainment in 2017. But whilst we’re waiting, it’s clear that there are a few more traditional games to enjoy.

So whether that means playing Mario Kart 8 on your Nintendo Switch, getting your head around Mass Effect: Andromeda on the PS4, or even playing online slots games at Lucky Nugget Casino, there are always some failsafe entertainment options to enjoy whilst waiting for the virtual reality revolution to become a reality.


Talking to your chatbot

Regardless of whether we’re playing online slots games or watching the next Netflix phenomenon, we’re going to be getting one of the new chatbots to do the hard work for us.

These pieces of artificial intelligence may have friendly names like Alexa, Cortana, Siri or even the slightly cumbersome Google Assistant, but they will all aim to make our entertainment habits a real breeze.
And whilst chatbot conversations might not be the most fascinating examples of 21st century entertainment, it’s surely only a matter of time before artificial intelligence becomes the central part of all of our online activities.