Tinder Places: Meet People Who Love the Same Places

“You have something in common.” (Reference to a Whitney and Bobby Song if you didn’t catch it). Tinder plus has just gotten better for the individuals who are looking to try their luck on the dating site tinder app.

With this new feature added called “places,” you can now showcase all the places you and your potential partner have been to. After you have signed in the tinder login screen, you will be able to show or not show certain places you have been.

This new feature is very customizable as well offering you the ability to break the ice for that potential first date that will ultimately end up in tinder sex. Let’s be honest – we are all adults, that is precisely why you are using Tinder.

People having sex is not uncommon and with this new feature and the Tinder app getting “lucky” has never been easier. There will be no more need for tinder pickup lines; although that can still land you a date.

So if you aren’t using “places” yet here are a few reasons you should:


# 1 – Can Turn On Or Off At Your Leisure

This feature allows you to opt in or out if you want quickly. You can turn places on when you want.


# 2 – Real Time Is Not a Thing

You won’t have to stress about just leaving this particular place and having others know where you have been. This feature doesn’t work in real-time and thus showcases your location you have been later on in the day.


# 3 – Showcase All Your “Social” Places

To piggyback a bit off or reason “numero uno”. One of the great things about this feature is that you can show areas and locations that only you want. And more importantly, you can show all the social areas you have been to. Why this is salient is because maybe you don’t want them to know what clinic you went to or what bank you go to.


# 4 –  Potential Matches

This feature will match you up with people that list the same area that you have visited and thus making it that much easier to find more people to…um, well you know – have coffee with.


Try This Feature Today

The internet has made life so much easier for so many people and with Tinder hitting a home run out of the park is no longer an ordeal that some guys need to struggle with. Furthermore with this new feature not only do you have a place that you can say you both like but a great place for your first hangout.