Ready To Propose? Here Are Some High Tech Ways To Pop The Question

ProproTechnology has become a big part of dating and relationships in the 21st century, and the recent Covid-19 lockdowns have made online communication apps essential  to keep relationships afloat.

 However, as most are inclined to depend more on texting and video chat to stay in touch with their loved ones, some people fear that romance may be on its way out as face-to-face interactions have been reduced due to the presence of these innovations.

 Moreover, as online weddings have become the norm due to the global pandemic, it’s expected that more marriage proposals will also be done online. If you’re not onboard with the idea of  making a romantic proposal via Skype, Facebook, or WhatsApp Messenger but still want to include a tech element into the plan, here are some high tech ways to pop the question that’ll lead to a definite yes.

 Make a website proposal

 A marriage proposal involves a lot of  planning before you pop the question, including saving a good deal of money so that you can afford the ring she’ll love. You’ll have to select a ring for your loved one, factor in the style and cost of the ring, and keep it somewhere safe before the big day. You’ll also need to come up  with a creative way to present it to her, and one way to do that is to make a website proposal.

 You can make a manga or a cartoon about your relationship timeline and upload it to a website specially created for this purpose. The last frame should show the cartoon version of you holding the ring and asking the question. Digital artists will have a field day doing this type of proposal, but if you’re unsure about your computer or artistic skills, don’t hesitate to ask a friend or family member to assist you with this special project. Be sure to be right by her side while she views the website so you can give the ring to her right away once she says yes. 

 Create a YouTube proposal

 If your loved one is a fan of YouTube, then she’ll love a proposal on this platform. Compile videos or pictures of your special moments and make a proposal video. Don’t forget to add music to enhance the romantic vibe. Record a clip of you popping the question, then place this clip towards the end of your proposal video. Make sure to dress well before filming this part, and look straight at the camera as if you’re talking to her.

 On proposal day, you can choose to let her view it alone (with you by her side, of course), or invite a couple of your closest friends and family members to witness the special moment. Film her reaction as well, then upload the reaction video after several days. 

 Using technology to pop the question is a fun and unique way to declare your love and undying commitment to the special woman in your life. Try these tips to incorporate some tech in your marriage proposal, and all the thought and effort that you put into the plan will surely be worth it.