Keeping a Casino Property Popular

How many times have you been to a theme park, similar to Disneyland or others? Do you still remember the place? And how it was when you went for the first time? How it has changed over the time? Over the years entertainment spots have been added and some have been closed, but the essence has remained. A theme park is still a theme park.


Enhancing the Spot

Nowadays it’s important for the attractions to keep that essence of what they are. The gaming properties also hold that sort of experience. People come to a particular spot to have a good time and to return back from time to time. They like the offering of that property, either the rooms, the restaurant, the entertainment, gaming experience and being treated well by the staff. They like to have a good time and by returning sometimes, they will have it again. But there is a lesson to learn. Leaving everything untouched, unimproved will make the guests bored and will look to go elsewhere.


This applies not only to properties, but to everything else as well. Moreover, virtual games are using the same strategies. Even slots use it and for example, we can take a look at the popular slot game, Rainbow Riches. The game is popular among the players, but in order to bring new ones and keep the old ones interested, the game had to get an upgrade for the mobile version as well. With this improvement, the game is able to stand on the market with other devices as well.


The same challenge is faced by gaming properties because of new competition, capital improvements in other existing properties and pressure to refresh its own facilities. The manager have a difficult task of keeping the property fresh and new, while retaining the look and feel that people got used and like it.


Paul Steelman, CEO of Steelman Partners says that throughout history, casino buildings have been redesigned to enhance the experience and not change it. In other words, take what the property has and what people enjoy at it and enhance that. This applies to everyday things, to fashion, games, redecorating the interior of a house and so on. This is like an opportunity to bring something new, while keeping the magic of a place and you can work out a few problems as well.


Scott P. Celella, principal of JCJ Architecture, says that when renovations or improvements projects are taken at some facilities, it’s important to position the chance as an opportunity to find an issue, bring a better level of service and enhance the existing experience. These major renovations are found in many European hotels, like Plaza Athenee in Paris and Connaught in London.  They went through major renovations and they are more beautiful and more functional than even before and they still got the same feeling.


The results

Doing an before-and-after pictures will really show how much a simple renovation can change a place. Many of the casinos had been renovated in such ways and the change brought more people in. After all, people like spending more time in a place they love.

It’s useful to begin by taking an overall look of the casino and define what is its essence. What is the property known for? Does it have a defined own brand? Does it have a theme? Answering these questions help define where should the changes occur and in what direction they should go. Most properties, games, even web domains grow over time. Future developments will depend upon the customer, the player and their basic interests. Seeing the larger picture means planning ahead.