Italian Entrepreneur Pasquale Minasi Thrives for BlueMagic Group Clinic to Be a Leader in Hair Transplant

Hair transplant technology has made some major strides in recent years. There to apply the latest effective techniques to balding clients is CEO and founder of BlueMagic Group, Pasquale Mansai. Thanks to his efforts, countless people have regained their self-esteem, confidence, and hair.

With the head clinic located in Istanbul, Turkey, along with a head consultancy office in London, England and a medical consultancy in Tirana, Albania, BlueMagic Group is doing well in actualizing its vision of becoming the leading provider of hair transplantation services in the markets it operates in. Using a novel technique called Direct Hair Implantation, along with the use of Choi Pen technology, BlueMagic Group Clinic can restore lost hair, one hair follicle at a time, and ensure it stays viable for a lifetime.

Besides this method, another one used in the clinic is the FUE Sapphire transplant surgery. This safe, relatively painless, and minimally invasive method uses the latest industry-approved methods to provide desired outcomes for every client. 

The way this method works is by extracting a few hairs from the neck or back of the head, and then implanting them into the area where hair is thinning. Unlike the common FUT hair transplant method, entire strips of skin do not need to be removed. The only result is the presence of unnoticeable dot scars present in the donor area. 

A third method provided to clients of BlueMagic Group Clinic is PRP therapy. This approved procedure uses your blood to stimulate hair growth. The result is a thicker and fuller head of hair. What it involves is an injection of platelet-rich plasma that gets collected directly from the blood, and is delivered right into the scalp. The platelets release proteins that end up triggering an inflammatory response, which stimulates the healing process while also providing nourishment to hair follicles. You enjoy faster growth of hair that is also thicker and looks natural.

Pasquale knows how much of a blow to confidence losing hair is, just as much as he knows how much confidence gets restored once that hair is back. As someone who was going bald himself, he now has a full head of hair and is a model example of what is possible using these hair transplant technologies.

The hair transplant option is appealing to people who have suffered hair loss due to things like lifestyle diseases, genetics, stress, lack of vitamins, and unhealthy nutrition. While there are new treatment methods constantly being researched and developed, the most effective and certain solution for hair loss is still a hair transplant procedure.

He often loves to bring up that, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.” This ties in perfectly with Pasquale’s vision and ambition to provide a safe and effective technique for restoring hair.

If you are someone who is suffering from unwanted hair loss, you now know of a clinic that utilizes proven methods for reversing hair loss using the latest advances in hair transplant technology. You no longer need to live with something you don’t want. You can regain your confidence, self-esteem, and hair. 

To date, BlueMagic Group has successfully completed over 21,000 hair transplants. Every single procedure and treatment has excelled in its league, providing satisfaction to every patient. As a company that knows just how life-changing a hair transplant can be, it is fully committed to giving its patients a safe, comfortable, luxurious, and unforgettable experience from start to finish. 

From the moment a client has their initial consultation, to the time when they have their post-operative check-up, BlueMagic Group ensures they receive high-quality service. Pasquale and his clinic believe strongly in the long-term effectiveness of the procedures and treatments, and guarantee your hair will never fall out again. 

If you are interested in getting back the full head of hair you used to have, but are unsure of how to proceed, you can receive a free consultation from BlueMagic Group. During your consultation, you will learn about how the hair transplant would go. This will help you understand the complete details about your best treatment and procedure options.

With the revolutionary hair transplant techniques used by BlueMagic Clinic available to you, there is no need to live out the rest of your life with issues. You could get that full head of hair you used to have restored, along with your confidence.

To learn more about Pasquale Minasi’s BlueMagic Group Clinic, you can head over to the official website. You can also follow Pasquale on Instagram @pasqualebmg and head over to his website to learn more about this entrepreneur.