8 Ways To Maintain A Perfect Beard

Stylish young man with a long beard wearing a white t shirt standing with his hand on his shoulder against a grey background

Source: allthingshair.com/en-uk/mens-hairstyles-haircuts/beard-grooming-tips-how-to-maintain-a-brilliant-beard

Getting the perfect beard is an art in itself – though getting the soft, perfectly groomed beard you have dreamt of may seem impossible, it is actually very achievable. Show your beard a bit of love and look after it with the following steps…


  1. Wash Your Beard Regularly

Washing your beard carefully is the first step to getting a perfectly groomed look. But you can’t just use any shampoo! Shampoo for the hair on your head will damage and dry out your beard. Opt for specially-designed products that will give you that barber-shop fresh look. Regular washes also soothe your beard and your skin and stop that itching!


  1. Wash Your Beard Effectively

It’s not enough to wash your beard regularly, you need to do it effectively. Your choice of product is crucial, and using top-quality products may seem like an investment but in the long run will work wonders on your facial hair. If you have a fuller beard, a beard shampoo will wash your beard thoroughly without stripping your hair of its natural oils, for those with a moustache or a thinner beard, a foam cleanser will do the trick!


  1. Understand How To Apply Beard Oil

Beard oil will help make your beard shiny and smooth, as if you had just walked straight out of the barber shop. Oil will also make the beard easier to style, and moisturizes and nourishes the skin underneath. We recommend applying beard oil after your shower as your beard will be clean and your pores will have opened up, allowing the oil to work its magic. It’s important to note that your beard shouldn’t be too wet, give it a bit of time to dry before applying the oil.


  1. Style Your Beard Like A Pro

Beard balms are also a handy tool to facilitate styling, especially if you have a medium or long length beard. Balms nourish your beard and help you style them – they also add a hint of shine to start your day. Balm will smooth down fly-aways to get that perfectly groomed finish. All you have to do is warm up the balm between your hands before scrunching the product in your beard.


  1. Don’t Forget To Style Your Moustache

Do you have a moustache? Moustache waxes will be your ally and create and hold the perfect shape. Waxes are so easy to use and wash off in a flash – you won’t see any product build up here! Just make sure to only apply a small amount – no one wants to see a greasy moustache!


  1. Pick The Right Beard For Your Face Shape

Part of getting that perfectly groomed vibe is by choosing your beard accordingly. Some beard types are for particular face shapes, here is our guide to choosing wisely:



  1. Get Regular Trims

As we mentioned above, it is crucial to get your beard trimmed regularly, you want to look groomed to perfection don’t you? It will also help your beard grow out evenly, and obviously, not look chaotic!

  1. Be Patient

To grow out a beard, you have to be patient – it’s not going to grow out overnight! If you are looking for a masculine, sophisticated and groomed look, then it takes time. Whatever you do, don’t shave it all off! Trust us, in time, it will be worth it, and with these steps, your beard will thank you!