8 Ways To Transform Your Skin Naturally

We all love having good skin. But sadly, you can’t have one if you don’t look after it.

Canadians know too well the importance of having good skin. As a matter of fact, our skin is the first line of defense against external and environmental factors. So why not transform your skin using our 8 ways. More so, these are all-natural so you’ll be doing it the right way.

With all that said, let’s begin.

Understand Your Skin Type

First things first, it’s important that you know your skin type before doing anything. The reasoning for this is very simple. If you’re using products that don’t appeal to your skin type, then you’ll only make things worse. The same goes for any unconventional methods of skin transformation.

Plenty of Canadians are aware that certain types of skin react very negatively when using the wrong skincare products. Things like irritation, inflammation, premature aging, etc, are all too common in these situations.

So the best and easiest thing to do is to start by finding out your skin type.

Use Sunscreen

Many are aware of how harmful UV lights can be. And our sun is the biggest source of UV radiation.

Even if you don’t expose yourself to too much sunlight, sunscreen can provide your skin with the much-needed protection. Plenty of skincare experts suggest using SPF as part of your morning routine.

But when it comes to the type of SPF, experts suggest you use mineral-based ones. Look out for sunscreen that has active ingredients like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.

Minerals are excellent for mitigating the negative effects of UV lights and they provide an even better barrier than traditional sunscreen.

Regularly Exfoliate

If you’re looking to naturally transform your skin and make you shine bright, then exfoliation is the way to go. Regularly exfoliating with a non-acidic cleanser can make all the difference.

Cleansers are great for removing dead skin cells. This will turn your skin from ordinary to a glowing one. Soon you will start to feel the softness and smoothness of your new skin. But there is one more benefit to having smooth skin. Namely, with smooth skin, you will increase the absorption rate of many products and make them more effective.

Take CBD Topicals

When it comes to using new products to get glowing skin, the ones to try might come from an unlikely source. Canadians are aware of the many benefits of cannabidiol.

But are you aware that it can also help transform your skin? CBD is red hot in the skincare industry at the moment. Every big brand is trying to get its hands on the magic CBD formula.

But what’s so magical about cannabidiol? For starters, CBD has natural antioxidant properties. What this means is you’ll be lessening the visible signs of aging. This is why CBD creams are marketed as “anti-aging”. This site is a great resource to see what creams are available

More so, CBD can reduce inflammation in the areas where applied. This can do wonders for removing wrinkles, skin dullness, etc. But CBD can do so much more.

It’s quite common for Canadians to use CBD topicals to remove acne. This is, again, thanks to CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties. More so, the soothing properties of cannabidiol make it perfect for sensitive skin types. If you have sensitive skin, then CBD topicals are a one-way ticket to get the skin you’ve always wanted.

Eat More Healthy Fats

When it comes to replenishing your skin’s natural ability to protect itself from environmental factors, healthy fats are essential. Healthy fats can be found in most nuts and in avocado. And these fats will promote stronger cell membranes that will naturally restore the skin barrier.

More so, these fats are essential for maintaining the moisture in your skin. If you don’t incorporate enough healthy fats into your diet, then your skin will start to dry and promote excessive dryness.

Although nuts and avocados are full of healthy fats, you can also find them in salmon, eggs, olive oil, chia seeds, and many more.

Use the Right Products After Bathing

There is no better way to transform your skin than to use the right products at the right time.

For many Canadians, moisturizing is essential for maintaining a healthy skin. Thus, you’ll need to incorporate it into your daily skincare routine. But it’s easier to say it than do it. Many Canadians make the obvious mistake of applying moisturizers without washing first.

We mentioned a couple of times that our skin is a natural barrier that protects us from the elements. And throughout the day, our skin loses its moisture and goes dry thanks to the accumulated dirt and debris.

That’s why you should avoid making the obvious mistake of applying moisturizer without washing first. Washing removes dirt and debris from our faces and helps make the moisturizer more effective.

Take More Vitamin C

Many Canadians are aware of the benefits that come from Vitamin C. But our skin also benefits from it. If you’re looking to naturally transform your skin, then make sure to take more Vitamin C.

The logic is quite simple. Vitamin C is super effective against hyperpigmentation, environmental aggressors, and for promoting collagen production. Vitamin C is so good that it will naturally brighten your skin tone and promote glowing skin.

Tons of foods are great sources for Vitamin C. Citrus fruits are the best source while peppers, strawberries, broccoli, potatoes, and brussels sprouts come as second best.

Stay Hydrated

There is a reason why water is considered the best drink. Not only is water essential for our survival, but it’s also essential for our skin. Staying hydrated will keep your skin moisturized, and a moisturized skin is a healthier skin.

Skincare experts suggest drinking eight glasses of water per. But since everyone has different needs, we suggest you listen to what your body has to say about it.

Finishing Thoughts

There are many ways to transform your skin naturally. Using products is one thing, but you can also combine your skincare habits with simple things that do the trick. Lastly, we hope that our 8 tips will help you get the skin you’ve always wanted.