How to Get the Most Out of Your Beard Growing Kit

Thinking about growing a beard? That thought has probably crossed your mind on more than one occasion. But if you’re like many men out there who aren’t naturally gifted in the hair growth department, you’ve probably experienced your fair share of frustration at trying to grow a thick, full, lustrous-looking beard without a little help from products and tools like beard growing kits.

The beauty of these kits is that you don’t have to be blessed in the genetics department anymore to grow a full-face beard.

Why Grow A Beard?

Besides looking hot and boosting your sex appeal, did you know that there are other reasons to grow a beard? It’s not all about the good looks alone (although that certainly helps!). A beard actually acts as a layer of protection for your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Too much exposure to the sun is going to cause your skin to wrinkle faster, and since beards can block nearly 95% of the sun’s UV rays, you’re going to be ruggedly handsome for much longer. 

During those cold winter months, your beard can serve as your best friend. The layer of protection that it forms helps to trap the heat and prevent skin chafing (ouch!). Since it is a layer of protection, it is also going to keep a lot of bacteria at bay. This only means you don’t have to worry about acne and pimples popping up at inopportune moments anymore.

Finally, not having to shave every day in the morning is going to save you a ton of time! That clears up your schedule for more important things to do, and since many of us are busy, on-the-go people, this time-saving benefit is another reason to consider growing a beard.

Getting the Most Out of Your Kit

Like everything else that you spend money on, you want to get the most out of your product. Who doesn’t love a product that gives them the most bang for their buck? The questions that are bound to wander through your mind are how do I get the most out of this kit? What can I do to make it work better? Here are the tips to keep in mind to grow the beard you’ve always wanted:

Looking After Your Beard and Your Tools

Looking after your tools as part of your aftercare process is going to make it last much longer. If you look after the roller well, it should last about six months or so, maybe even longer. Keep using products that are rich in nutrients and look after your skin well, and you’ll be on your way to a beard that will be the envy of others.