How to Be Better in Bed: 11 Helpful Tips to Know

Did you know that 23% of American adults chose to be celibate?

If you’re not part of this group, you might wonder how to be better in bed. Even with experience, you’ll find various levels of success, depending on your partner. But the truth is that there are ways for you to become consistent with your performance.

Don’t dismiss it yet.

With this guide, you’ll learn how to be good at sex consistently. Read on and find out tips with scientific backing:

1. Make Your Partner Feel Special

If you’re more attentive to your partner, the thirstier they become for you. This means you’ll have more satisfying sex. Responsiveness is an important thing to keep the fire lit, especially when you’re in a long-term relationship.

When your partner feels you’re responsive to them, they’ll see you as someone more desirable. Thus, you’re worth pursuing and having a romance with.

2. Understand that Having Good Sex Will Take Effort

Your assumptions about sexual chemistry will shape how it becomes. Couples believing that you must put effort into sex for it to improve will give you more satisfaction. The best part is that it’s not only in the bedroom but also with the relationship.

Simply put, don’t let a disagreement in sex strain your relationship. That way, it’s more resilient and your performance improves.

3. Study Your Partner Instead of Sex in General

To improve your sexual performance, you must listen to your partner. Take note, like any other relationship, sexual relations all come down to proper communication. Rapport is the main driving force behind sexual satisfaction.

That means you need not to rely on gestures and noises all the time. Rather, use their positive guidance to make your sexual prowess a winner in their eyes.

4. Become More Altruistic

As it turns out, people look for kindness in their partners. That’s why your partner’s sexual satisfaction depends on your altruistic behavior. This can also affect the number of sexual partners you’ll have.

Studies show that people prefer selfless long-term partners. But recent studies show that they find generosity sexy in the short term as well. It’s proof that being genuinely nice won’t let you finish last.

5. Get High

With cannabis becoming more accepted in the United States, studies now focus on its effects on sexual performance. The research found that having sex while under its effects led to better orgasms and fewer regrets. Also, while on marijuana, people are less likely to have casual sex with strangers, hence the decreased regret.

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6. Talk Dirty

Long-term relationships give you the bonus of knowing what makes your partner quiver in pleasure. But when you stick to the same sexual routines, it can kill your desire for your partner. It’s because people often find it difficult to talk about sex and their desires, even for couples racking up years together.

Most people find that sex talk feels vulnerable. They think suggesting something new makes their partner feel bad. But the truth is that being open to trying out new things in the bedroom will perform and get satisfied better.

7. Cuddles Increase Satisfaction

Cuddling after sex can affect the way your partner views their sex life and their relationship with you. Most people have sex in relationships since they want to feel closer to their partner. That’s why affection, after you’re done with the deed, will accomplish this.

Take note, this applies to both genders. Men and women both feel like they have good sex when they cuddle afterward. That’s why never underestimate the far-reaching effects of a cuddle.

8. Context is Key

Some things are only erotic when used in the right context. For example, some people believe that the fantasy of getting dominated is only a turn-on when it stays that way—a fantasy. To improve your sexual performance, you must find out what your partner desires along with the right contexts to maximize their turn-ons.

9. Eat Healthier

This seems like more of a fitness tip, but treating your body right using good nutrition will help your entire body. This includes your libido, meaning you can perform with more passion when you’re in the bedroom. When you eat healthy foods, your cholesterol level decreases, meaning your cardiovascular system improves.

This will ensure that your groin performs at its peak because your circulation is perfect. It also prevents cardiovascular illnesses, which is the leading cause of death for both men and women. That’s a win-win.

10. Abstain a Little and Plan for Sex

Abstinence might not be attractive as a sex tip, but it’s a surefire way of improving sex. With this, your next encounter with your partner will become more intense. Try it for a few days, a weekend, or how long you can hold out.

Couple this while planning for sex, despite not sounding romantic. Making a plan for having sex is important, especially when you and your partner are busy or have children. If you don’t plan, the frequency of your love-making will dwindle since you’re either too tired or can’t find the right time anymore.

11. Use Foreplay and Technology

Regardless of how horny you and your partner become, it’s always better not to skimp on foreplay. It matters not how many years you spent together. Foreplay is a great contributor to improved sexual performance and stronger orgasms.

This will rev up your autonomic nervous system. It means you’ll become more sensitive and excited. It’s also better to use your smartphone and send her sexy messages as the day progresses. Your patience will pay off once you start your bedroom activities.

Learn How to be Better in Bed Today!

These are things you must remember to learn how to be better in bed. Use this to improve your sex life and your relationship with your partner.

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