Dress Code of the Casinos – 8 Tips to Success!

Are you new to casinos and not sure how to dress? It is important to be aware that it is common for casinos to have dress codes and this is going to guide you on the best outfit to wear. Here are eight tips for success.

Do Your Research

If you are planning on going to the casino with friends or family, you need to do your research first. Unfortunately, going to a brick-and-mortar establishment is not like gambling online at a casino. You cannot wear whatever you like and there is going to be some type of dress code that all guests must follow. A lot of casinos will have a website that will outline what they want players to wear. Make sure that you check this out before you attend, as you do not want to be turned away at the door. This is definitely going to ruin your night and the plans you had.

Prepare for White Tie

Over the years, some casinos have relaxed their dress code. In other words, they are going to allow you to appear more casual with your clothes. But, if you are going to a popular and VIP casino, you need to be prepared for white tie. This is the most formal a casino can ask for and you may not have the clothing for it. So, you have to be prepared in advance. So, for white tie, men are going to need to purchase a black dress coat, which has tails. This is going to be accompanied by smart trousers. You will be expected to wear a white tux shirt too, as well as have wing collars. Cuff links and shirt studs are small accessories that are expected. A bow tie is part of the outfit, as well as black shoes.

For women, a white tie casino is also going to be very formal. We are talking about wearing a floor-length gown or ballgown. You may have to go out and purchase this especially for the occasion. What’s more, certain accessories will be expected. This includes having elegant jewelry, as well as a small purse. Some other things that can be optional are white gloves, as well as fur accessories.

Your Shoes Matter

A lot of people think that the shoes they wear to the casino do not matter. They think that if they concentrate on the outfit, what they are wearing on their feet will go unnoticed. However, this is not true. There are some general dress rules when it comes to attending a casino. For example, it is best to avoid wearing flip flops. This is something that should not be worn since it is beach wear. What’s more, the noise of flip flops can draw attention to you.

In addition, another unwritten rule of the casino is not to wear sneakers. Again, they are viewed as a casual and outdoor shoe. Thus, a lot of casinos do not like them to be worn indoors. It does not matter if your sneakers were expensive, if you want to avoid being turned away, do not wear them for a night out at the casino.

Act Like the Dress Code

 Remember that the dress code is expected of guests. It can also give an indication of the behavior a casino expects too. For example, if they want a lot of formal attire, they expect guests to be quieter and more respectful. If they have a less formal dress code, you can be more relaxed in the casino.

Casual for Day, Formal for Night

Of course, we know that all casinos are going to be different. Some are going to be casual and aimed at everybody. Others are going to be more upmarket and wanting to attract the high rollers. Generally, there is a casino that everybody can enjoy. But, you have to pay attention to the dress code. If you are unable to do your research before you turn up to the casino, there is a general rule you can follow. You can generally dress casually during the day, but when it turns to nighttime, this is when you should opt for more formal clothing.

Thus, during the day, you can get away with wearing shorts and a t-shirt. As long as they are clean and tidy, most casinos are going to let you in to gamble and have some fun. But, the nighttime attracts a different crowd and it should be viewed as having a night out. In other words, formal clothing should be worn. This does not always mean you have to wear suits and dresses. In some establishments, a button-down shirt for men and a blouse for women will be good.

Dress Formally for High Roller Casinos

 Are you planning on attending a high roller casino? This is going to be a fancy casino and where a lot of people go to make larger wagers. So, you are going to have to dress the part if you want to fit in. In other words, you will need to dress formally. This can mean that men have to wear a suit with leather shoes, as well as women wearing gowns and heels. People are going to be making this a night out and they have money they want to gamble. Thus, they are going to dress in white tie or black tie.

 Know Semiformal and Business Formal

Sometimes, casinos will not ask for white or black tie clothes. Instead, this is going to be semiformal and business formal attire. But, what exactly does this mean? Well, essentially it means you will have to dress more casual but still look smart. For example, wearing a tie will be optional, as well as a long dress being only a suggestion. But, this does not mean that you can wear jeans or t-shirts.

 Respect the Rules

We know that you are going to a casino just to have fun. Why should you really pay attention to the dress code? Well, this is the way to respect the casino you are in and you can concentrate on the excitement of the night. The last thing you want is to be rejected entry when you are with a group of your friends and family. So, you will need to accept that these are the rules.