How Do You Get Compensation After a Burn Accident in Centennial, CO?

Burns are a common injury. According to the American Burn Association, over 480,000 people in the United States suffer burns each year. When you suffer a burn injury, you may wonder if you are entitled to compensation for medical bills and lost income during your recovery period.

We asked the Centennial burn injury lawyers at Varner Faddis Elite Legal to discuss what types of burn injuries qualify for compensation and if it is worth pursuing a claim against the person responsible for causing your injury.

What causes burns?

It can be a difficult experience to go through when you get burned. Burns are painful and can be life-threatening. They can occur in many different ways, including hot liquids, objects, electricity, and even natural events like lightning or volcanoes.

When someone is injured in an accident that causes burns, they may need help dealing with their injuries. If they got burned by other people’s negligence or carelessness, they might be able to file a personal injury claim against them.

The common type of burns 

The most common types of burns are second and third-degree. These burns can cause permanent damage, scarring, loss of sensation and function, and sometimes even loss of mobility or livelihood.

When you suffer a serious injury like this, you must get help immediately to receive treatment as soon as possible. In many cases, the earlier treatment begins, the better your recovery will be.

When can a burn accident be considered negligent? 

Any burn accident caused by another person should be considered negligence.

Negligence is a legal term that means acting in a way that causes harm to another person. You can be negligent by doing something on purpose or accidentally, intentionally or unintentionally. 

Suppose someone else’s negligence causes harm to another person in Centennial, and no insurance exists for them (like auto insurance). In that case, they may have grounds for a lawsuit against the responsible party if this accident was preventable.

How to prepare your case

When seeking compensation for your burn injuries, it is important to consider all damages. These can include:

You will need to show the court that the other party was negligent, and their negligence caused your injuries.

In addition to your medical expenses and lost wages, you may receive compensation for your pain and suffering. This includes emotional distress that resulted from being burned in a fire.

You may also recover damages if your injuries have caused emotional trauma to another person, such as a spouse or child.

Several factors must be considered when determining whether or not an individual’s injury is severe enough to seek damages for their other losses (i.e., loss of consortium).

Some of these include:

Get in touch with a Centennial personal injury lawyer today!

You should contact a personal injury lawyer if you have suffered a burn injury in Centennial. A burn injury lawyer will be able to help you get the compensation that you deserve after your accident.


If you were burned in a car accident, trucking accident, or any other type of accident caused by someone else’s negligence, you deserve compensation. You’ll need to prove that the other party was liable for your injuries and seek out a personal injury lawyer to help you with this process. A good attorney can help you recover damages for medical expenses and lost wages so that life doesn’t have to stop after suffering burns!