Tips On How to Arrange Your Car Insurance And Registration When Moving To A New Province

Relocating is always an excruciating process that needs you to be on the highest organizational level. Well, when it comes to relocating, there are several variables to consider, such as obtaining a moving truck and preparing packing boxes.

In fact, there are so many things to manage and think of that we sometimes forget about our car insurance. Relocating to another province does affect your cars as well, and it also requires having new addresses and license plates numbers, both of which are tied to insurance.

Each province in Canada is distinct from the others, so it’s not unexpected that any insurance package is handled differently in each. For example, some areas offer government-sponsored healthcare, while others may offer limited coverage or none at all. Some provinces also have car insurance requirements that other regions do not in that context. Therefore, it’s critical to familiarize yourself with the insurance rules in your new province before you relocate.

If you are already packing your bags and organizing the kids, read below for tips on arranging your car insurance, registration, and plates when moving to a new province.

Choose Your Car Insurance Company

When deciding to move to another province, it is very important to do extensive research before you settle on your new car insurance policy. The time invested can save you a substantial amount of money. But the safest thing to do when moving to another province is to choose a major, well-established, stable insurance provider like You might be tempted to try a smaller, local one, but we’d recommend you play it safe with an experienced provider first.

If You’re Getting A New Vehicle, Register It In The New Province

Purchasing a new or used automobile offers you an unquestionable sense of independence, allows you to express your particular style, and allows you to drive wherever you want on the spur of the moment. Overall, it’s an exciting endeavor.

The paperwork, of course, is rarely fun. However, if you’re familiar with the process, motor vehicle registration in Canada isn’t that daunting. Consider it the least enticing stumbling block on your approach to driving that automobile you’ve got your eye on. Follow these steps to expedite the motor vehicle registration procedure so you can go out on the road without any problems.

If You’re Keeping Your Old Car, Be Sure To Renew Your Registration On Time

Vehicle registration renewal is required in most provinces on a yearly or biennial basis. This procedure, however, is far less time-consuming than the initial automobile registration procedure. Car owners in each province may now renew their registration online if there are no changes to the registration. A change of name or address is one example of these modifications.

If you don’t need to renew your registration in person, avoid the wait and utilize the online service. All you’ll need is a debit or credit card and some personal and vehicle information. You’ll have no problems with MasterCard and Visa since they are accepted virtually anywhere. Keep in mind that each province may have a window when you can renew your registration online before it expires. If this time period expires, you must renew in person.

Don’t worry if you forget something. You will receive a renewal notification in the mail from each province, giving you additional time up to several months to do the renewal online.

Transferring And Personalizing Plates

If you decide to sell your old car, keep in mind that the plates always stay with the vehicle buyer in most provinces, so you will most probably need new ones. Or, if you maintain your vehicle and relocate with it, make sure to check with your new local vehicle registration office and register the relocation of your car so that your plates will remain valid. Anyhow, if you need to pick new license plates for your vehicle, how about custom ones?

Personalized license plates are a great way to show off your flair or set your car out from the crowd. Each province has its own set of modifications, enabling you to write something in letters or numbers that reflects your personality.

You’ll need to fill out a unique form in each province of Canada to get personalized plates. After reviewing the plates, the Ministry of Transportation determines whether or not to issue them based on whether or not they satisfy specific requirements (no curse words, etc). Regardless of jurisdiction, most customized plates are valid yearly.

Final Thoughts

When you relocate, you’re entering a new environment, as well as maybe a new culture or even language in Canada. While it may indicate that major changes are on the way, it can also indicate that new and interesting life experiences are on the way. It is possible to move effortlessly and without problems, if you adequately organize your move and know what has to be done.

Having said that, it might be a good idea to call an insurance broker to verify that all insurance issues are taken care of. Most insurance brokers handle all of the efforts from beginning to end, ensuring that you are completely happy with the process. It is a small investment but it will save you a lot of headaches. Moving boxes and all the stuff you need to take care of will give you more than enough of those!