What Are Some Great Reasons To Give Someone A Gift?

Although the first thing you might think of when it comes to gift-giving is someone’s birthday, that’s not the only reason to find the ideal gift and present it to them. There are many other reasons, and whether you plan ahead or simply see something in a store that makes you think of your friend or loved one and you buy it on the spur of the moment, you’ll always feel good about it. With that in mind, here are some of the best reasons to give a gift, even when it’s not someone’s birthday.

Photo by Lisa Fotios

To Express Your Love

It’s not always easy to express love verbally. For some reason, it can feel embarrassing, and the words just don’t come. This is true even if we’ve known someone for a long time and even if we’re actually in a relationship with them.

Giving a gift is a great kind of shorthand that lets the recipient know you are thinking about them and care about them, even if you don’t say the words themselves. If the gift is particularly thoughtful and you know it’s something they will really love or make a lot of use of, then you’ll easily be able to show them exactly how you feel, and they’ll instantly understand what the gift means. If you know someone intimately, you might shop for underwear for them, for example, but if you’re not as close as that, there are plenty of other things you might choose instead.

To Help Someone Feel Better

As above, it can be hard to talk about bad things that happen in life. Whether it’s the loss of a loved one, an accident, the end of a relationship, or anything else, talking about negative situations is extremely hard. Giving a gift, on the other hand, is a great way to show that you can and want to help by making your loved one feel better, whatever has happened.

In recent years this has become easier because there are some gifts that are specifically made for certain events. For example, you can send someone a gift if they suffer a death in the family, and although it won’t make the problem go away, it will certainly help make the recipient feel loved and acknowledged.

When Someone Needs Something 

One of the less obvious but no less important reasons to offer a gift is to fill a need. We usually consider a present to be something frivolous that a loved one would enjoy having. However, donating food or offering childcare to a friend who has lost their job would be a great gesture, for example.

It’s true that giving someone something they really want strengthens your bond with them, but giving them something they really need does the same. Think about helping out when it’s most needed and expanding your gift-giving horizons.

To Show Your Appreciation 

For the most part, people are good. They want to help others, and they might go out of their way to do so. When someone does something particularly nice for you, no matter whether it’s big or small, giving them a gift to show your appreciation is a wonderful idea. 

This will show just how thankful you are for what they have done, and it will help them know that what they did was the right thing. Sending a gift in this situation won’t just make you feel good, and it won’t just make the recipient know they did a positive thing; it might even ensure that the recipient continues to help others, knowing they are making a difference. One gift from you could help many more people when you think about it in this way.

To Stay In Touch

We all have very busy lives these days, and it isn’t always easy to make the time to visit our friends and family or even to speak to them on the phone. It’s easy for once close people to drift apart from each other, and the problem is that it’s hard to get back on track once this has happened.

One thing that can help is a gift. It will show that the person is in your thoughts and will remind them of you, ensuring that you can stay in touch more easily and more regularly.

To Put Someone Else First 

You should try to nurture your spontaneous side so that you can keep putting other people first. In general, unless you’re giving a gift out of selfishness, it takes your mind off of yourself and puts it on someone else. We tend to be self-centered by nature, so it’s good to work on putting other people first. So get rid of the things you’ve been wanting to buy online and replace them with gifts for people you know. And as you do it, keep that person’s likes, dislikes, and life goals in mind. As you try to find them something that fits well, you might learn more about them.