How to Get that Muscle Mass Ripped Body Physique?

Lets Build a Sexy Physique Starting off with the Fundamentals of Building Great Delts

As an online Professional Fitness coach with 10+ years of bodybuilding experience. I deal with people wanting to build a physique on the daily, but the one common denominator amongst them is… neglecting the proper tools to execute their goals.

Sick of spending countless hours at the gym and not seeing results? Buying all those supplements and proteins and just not getting bigger, in the right places? Want to move like this?


Don’t you worry, I can help. Let’s get Started!

The 3 Fundamentals to Getting the Bulked Up Body you’ve been Craving For:

1. Posture

To execute any exercise it all starts with having great posture to keep you balance throughout the workout.

2. Form

Moving the dumbbells slightly places tension on your shoulders. The pause switches off your traps, which will otherwise muscle in on the move, taking emphasis off your shoulders.

3. Proper Execution

It’s super important to execute each rep efficiently throughout the full ROM (Range of Motion) to establish tension and growth to the Side Laterals.


Now you’re ready to conquer. It’s that simple. Stay tuned for my future content on different techniques and works outs you should follow to get the results. Think you need a little more support? No problem, that’s what I’m here for. Hit me up via any of the links below to get started.