How to Lower Blood Sugar Level Using Your Diet

When your body stops producing enough insulin or cannot use the available insulin correctly, it’s a clear sign your blood sugar level will go high.

This means you’ll have more than enough glucose in your body leading to symptoms such as exhaustion and heart disease. But even so, controlling the amount of blood sugar in your body is a matter of healthy dietary behavior. For instance, foods and drinks that are slowly absorbed in the body should be a consideration if you want to optimize your blood sugar level.

Here is our guide on these and other foods you need to eat to lower your blood sugar levels.


Fruits are good at lowering blood sugar levels, except for a few, such as pineapples and melons. This is mainly because they have fiber and water that can balance the fructose levels. However, if you suffer from fructose intolerance, fruits may not be a good option. Their high fructose levels mean your body may experience fructose intolerance symptoms like headache and constipation.

Nonetheless, most studies suggest that regular consumption of whole fruits like blueberries and apples significantly lowers the risk of high blood sugar, thus reducing the chances of developing type 2 diabetes.


Besides being an excellent dietary choice for controlling your blood sugar levels, vegetables make part of a healthy diet, especially when consumed alongside other foods. For optimal results, tasty and low-carb vegetables like tomatoes and Brussels sprouts are a good consideration. You can also go beyond the usual and incorporate kales and spinach in your diet. These are considered healthy and delicious vegetables that can lower blood sugar levels in your body.


While doctors recommend reduced consumption of oats for diabetic patients, they are actually considered ideal in lowering blood sugars. Oats are known to have a limited effect on blood sugars as they are less likely to increase or lower blood sugar levels. They also contain B-glucans that enhance insulin sensitivity and maintain glycemic control.

Though oatmeal contains a high level of carbs, the food still has a beneficial effect on glucose control, especially if you have type 2 diabetes. However, talk to your medical doctor first before incorporating these foods into your diet.


Unknown to many, seafood has vast nutritional benefits that include regulating blood sugar levels. Foods such as shellfish, salmon, and sardines are good protein sources. Apart from that, they are also valuable sources of healthy fats and minerals.

These benefits transcend further to the regulation of blood sugar levels.  Eating this food slows the digestion process, preventing any chance for a post-meal blood sugar spike.  Furthermore, feeding on seafood lowers any chance for overeating hence aiding in fat loss, which is essential for healthy blood sugar levels.

Final Word

Optimal blood sugar control requires you to follow a good dietary plan. Such a plan includes eating a well-balanced diet containing the foods mentioned above. Maintaining active and controlling your body weight is also an essential factor in controlling blood sugar levels in your body.