How to easily get from Prague to Cesky Krumlov?

You should know that Cesky Krumlov is widely know because of its status: it’s considered to be a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It’s a lovely place that conveys the real character of the Czech Republic. It found its place on the shore of the Vlatva River. All the tourists coming to Cesky Krumlov fall in love with the beautiful old buildings full of history. You won’t find any problem in getting from Prague to Cesky Krumlov if you learn some information about that.

Transport options on the route from Prague to Cesky Krumlov

It’s pretty long a distance between Prague and Cesky Krumlov — 175 kilometers. Still, they offer different transport options for the route: both public transport (trains and buses) or individual transport (taxi and transfer) work well. If you go by train, the trip will take you from 3h 18m up to 3h 30m. The ticket costs are €7 (€13 for a first class ride). The bus trip will be faster (2h 55m), yet the price is almost the same: €7.6. Individual transport options — taxi and transfer — will only take you some 3h 30m. Still, the price will be over €126.

Please note that taxi and transfer are not the same — the transfer price is fixed and you’ll be met at arrival (don’t need to search for a car), while the taxi price can depend on different factors.

Some tips on the route from Prague to Cesky Krumlov

Please remember that you’ll have to change on the way from Prague to Cesky Krumlov. So if you arrive in the night / traveling with little children / with elderly relatives / have too many heavy bags with you, the best option for you will be taxi / transfer. Even buses don’t run in the night (they work all day long though). If the bus trip is fine for you, please check the schedule and take care of the tickets beforehand.

Trains from Prague to Cesky Krumlov

Buses from Prague to Cesky Krumlov

Taxi / transfer from Prague to Cesky Krumlov

Don’t forget to see in Cesky Krumlov: