5 Tips To Add A Touch Of Luxury To Your Living Room

Creating a luxury living room is a worthwhile design project. With a luxurious space, you’ll enhance your enjoyment of this room, and provide yourself with the perfect space for entertaining. To help you with the planning process, try taking onboard these five design ideas.

1 . Large scale artwork

One of the best ways to add a touch of luxury to your living room is to add large scale artwork. When you choose a large canvas or painting, you’ll create a ‘gallery feel’, adding a touch of elegance to your room. Choosing a large scale piece of art doesn’t necessarily have to mean spending lots of money. Check out these apps to search for affordable and beautiful art pieces:

2. A minimal style

Decorating in a minimal style can help you to create an effortlessly luxurious living room, but how can you do it? First off, declutter your room, opting for smart storage that conceals personal items, keeping things simple. Next, decorate in neutral tones, whether white, black, beige, cream or brown. It’s best to stick to no more than two color schemes throughout. When you are choosing decorative items, choose one or two statement pieces. Focus on functional objects, throughout your design.

3. Add mirrors

Mirrors can add a touch of luxury to any room, especially grand mirrors. A word of warning, choosing mirrors that are too large may make your room feel cluttered. It’s important to measure your wall space, and preferably, use VR to ‘test out’ mirrors before purchase. For a VR experience, try using the app ‘HomeByMe’. Here you can preview different objects in your rooms, to inform your purchasing decisions. You don’t have to purchase from the app, (but you can still get an idea of size and style). To support your interior decorating choices, it’s a great application.

4. Decadent lighting

Nothing says luxury like a touch of decadent lighting, and there are many different types of modern chandeliers to choose from. You might like a trendy ‘industrial design’ chandelier? These usually are made with metal parts, and exposed wood. Cluster chandeliers are another option, these usually resemble bright clouds, or tangled wool. It’s important to choose the right size, to avoid making your living room appear smaller.

5. A luxurious sofa 

Our sofa is the most important furniture item in our living room. Choosing a luxury sofa, that’s over-sized and modern, is the perfect way to create a stunning living room. Grand corner-sofas work well as a focal point. When you are choosing materials, it’s advisable to go for eco-friendly options where possible.

With a few luxury touches, you’ll create your ideal room to relax in. When it comes to interior design there are many simple changes you’ll be able to make by yourself. For structural changes, you’ll need to find the right architect. Scenario Architecture in guildford, have plenty of experience in designing residential luxury spaces.