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Online Casinos Cheats: Is There A Way?

Sailun Tires

In the past, if you wanted to play your favourite slots or table games, you would have to visit your local casino. However, by 1996 this was no longer the case as a boom in gambling and a sea change in the way we gamble took place. 

This is why 1996 is a special year in the history of gambling and it will always be looked back on as the year gambling ensured its future. This was achieved because this was the year when the first online casino was introduced to the world on the internet and this was swiftly followed by the first video slot. These two technological breakthroughs would prove to be highly lucrative to certain sectors of the gambling world. What they also did was to ensure that cheating at casinos like slots baby mobile casino was made literally virtually impossible. 

Cheating Before The Digital Age

Before everything went digital cheating at land-based casinos was regularly attempted. It is thought that the slots right up to the early 1990s could be manipulated. These early versions of slots could have the spins tampered with by magnets, or you could influence the result by releasing levers slowly, on those that were still activated by them.

Tommy Glen Carmichael is one of the most famous of successful slot machine cheats. He inserted a metal device into the coin slot and this would trigger regular payouts. Even electronic slots have been cheated at land-based casinos. In 1995, Reid McNeal hit a Keno jackpot at Bally’s Park place Casino Resort in Atlantic City, winning $100,000. This win drew suspicion and an investigation led to Ron Harris, a computer programmer working for the Nevada Gaming Control Board. He was in charge of discovering bugs and flaws in electronic gaming machines. Instead he used his position of power to access and modify software in slot machines to pay out huge amounts of cash if an exact sequence of coins were inserted into the chosen slot.

Online Casinos and Cheating

Since slots went digital, it is impossible to cheat them or to discover a winning formula, because every spin is randomly generated by an RNG. This is better known as the Random Number Generator that is basically a microchip that generates numbers all the time. It’s these number sequences that generate the spins and your luck is at the mercy of this generator, creating winning or losing spin number sequences. When you play online, you are just viewing a casino platform and it is therefore impossible to be able to tamper with the game you are playing.

Now the only way you can cheat online casinos is by joining various sites and taking full advantage of the special welcome bonuses they offer new players. If you do this you can amass bonus money and plenty of free spins. Obviously there are wagering requirements to meet, but sometimes cash from free spins can be wager free. These welcome bonuses can also be used on table games instead.


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