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3 Tips To Enhance Your Gentleman Game

Sailun Tires

Enhancing your gentleman game isn’t about doing lots of different things – it’s about doing the basics a lot better than everyone else, so that it looks like the most natural thing in the world. 

Because that’s what being a gentleman is – it’s having a natural class, one that it appears as though you were born with. 

You probably think that you’re doing the basics fine and I’m sure you’re doing pretty good. 

However, that doesn’t make you a gentleman and I’m here to show you what areas you need to focus on, then go way beyond the basics. 

From managing your money to speaking politely, take on board these three trips, excel at them and you’ll genuinely enhance your gentleman game. 

Play games like James Bond 

When you picture what it means to be a gentleman you probably get a few different images in your head – drinking in a stylish bar, wearing a sharp suit, talking with effortless charm. 

There’s one famous gent that does all of these things – James Bond. And while all of the things I’ve mentioned give a high standard of gentlemanliness, there’s one extra detail that enhances it – the games he plays. 

James drinks the classy drinks, wears the sharp suits, and lets his silver tongue enchant people while he’s at the roulette wheel, baccarat table, or poker room. You can do all of these things but to do so you need two know the rules of the games. 

Start by testing your skills at one of the fast withdrawal casinos you can find at Once you’ve nailed this you’ll be ready to sit down at a table in one of the many chic casinos out there – though, you may want to try a few lower-key ones before you head to the casinos frequented by James Bond!

Really take care of your appearance 

If you’re going to a gentleman then you need to really look after your appearance. I’m not simply talking about taking a shower in the morning, I mean that you need to look and smell like you think your body is a Ferrari. 

While it’s superficial to focus on appearances it does make a difference – does James Bond have a scruffy beard and ripped jeans? He sure as heck doesn’t, he looks like he just stepped out of a catalogue. 

Having the best appearance is all about investing in yourself and doing things right. Take beards. Beards are a great indicator of how much care you take in your appearance

This is because they need more attention than your hairdresser gives to the hair on your head – you need to wash them, but you also need to shape and trim them. And the thing is, even if you get a stylist to do this, people will think you did it yourself. 

So, buy all the equipment you need, spend all the time it takes, and make your beard look like you give a crap about it. Apply this principle to the rest of your appearance and you’ll quickly develop the gentlemanly air you seek. 

Always speak politely  

Being gentle is a defining part of being a gentleman – it’s literally in the word, And a dead give for a man who isn’t a gentle is if they sound like a sailor when he opens his mouth. 

You simply can’t deny the fact that if you decorate a conversation with coarse words and a prickly attitude then you’ll create the wrong impression – how many dinner parties have you been too when the guests behave in this way? 

Speaking politely will instantly give off the impression that you’re a gentleman and it’s something that TV and film makers have known forever – why are Brits cast as the gentleman? Because they’re considered to be polite.  

Adopting a polite tone is much simpler than you think. All you need to do is imagine that you’re speaking to your boss, that way “sir,” “ma’am,” and other general pleasantries roll off your brain a lot easier and you appear respectful. 

You can also learn all the right things to say and how to say them by checking out this great guide to how to speak like a polite gentleman

Put this tip into practice immediately by using it for the rest of the conversations you have today. When you do so, think afterwards to yourself “how did the person I was talking to react?” I’ll bet that it was better than in your previous conversation, where you let the sailor in your do the talking. 


Managing your money, looking after your appearance, and speaking politely isn’t rocket science – these are things that everyone should be doing as a minimum if they want to be considered a gent. 

The thing is, not everyone excels at these things and many people don’t even manage the minimum. 

That’s why if you can master them then you’ll instantly appear classy, assured, and stylish – all things that will enhance your gentleman game instantly.


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