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Is Now The Right Time To Replace Your Car?

Sailun Tires

Is now the right time to replace your car? There are reasons why you might consider the option, but then again, it might be that you decide to rule against the idea.

It can be a hard decision to make, especially if you’re more than a little envious at what other people are driving. But you have to consider the costs attached to a new car, and if it’s more cost-effective to keep your older vehicle, that might be the better option.

Then again, you might be attached to your current car. If you have been driving it around for years, letting it go might be difficult for you. Losing it might be like losing a limb for you, but if it has seen better days, it might be time to say farewell.

So, what should you do? Well, here some suggestions to help you make the right decision.

Reasons Not To Replace Your Car

There are reasons why you probably shouldn’t replace your car, and these include the following.

You can’t afford to replace it

This is the obvious reason to keep your car, of course. If your car still runs well and if it doesn’t equate to a death trap, it might be in your best interest to keep hold of it for a little while longer if your funds are low. Not only will you have the cost of a new car to consider (and by ‘new’ we are also referring to anything on the used market), but you also have fuel and insurance costs to consider as well. Of course, if a replacement car turned out to be more economical to run, then you might consider the option. But if after budgeting you realize you will be poorer for the purchase, it will probably be better to wait, especially if you are already struggling to get by financially. 

There is still life left in your car

If you enjoy your car, you don’t necessarily have to trade it in for a replacement, even if your motor is more than a few years old. You might be able to increase the lifespan of your car with these maintenance tips, so don’t be in a hurry to send it to the scrap heap. Of course, there will be a time when constant maintenance will wear on your bank balance, so you will have to work out the more cost-effective option. But so long as you aren’t visiting the garage on a monthly basis for repairs and tune-ups, it might be a shame to say farewell when your car can still give you a few more years of driving pleasure. 

You’re feeling peer pressure

“You’re not still driving around in that old thing, are you?” 

“Wouldn’t you prefer a car like mine?”

These are just two of the comments you might hear from your friends, enemies, and work colleagues. You might even be tempted to trade in your car because you feel pressured to do so. But would replacing your car be the right decision? The answer is no, especially if you get a lot of pleasure out of driving it, and if it is still in a good condition. You don’t have to feel pressured into changing your car if there is no good reason to do so, so rev your engines, block out the sound of the haters, and leave them standing in the dust you create as you drive off into the distance. 

Reasons To Replace Your Car

So, there are reasons why keeping your old car is a good idea, but there are times when you have to consider replacing it. Here are some of the reasons why you probably should.

It’s in need of constant repair

All cars need to be repaired at some point in their lives. A time will come when there is a need for a new wheel alignment, a brake replacement, and other occasional fixes to the interior and exterior of the car. Sure, these expenses are a nuisance, but if they are irregular, they shouldn’t be a reason to send your car to the great scrapyard in the sky. 

However, if repairs are needed every few weeks or months, and if your car has broken down more times than you care to remember, then you need to consider its viability. Especially when the repairs that are needed are costly, perhaps because of major engine faults and problems with the exhaust systems, it might be in your best interests to say goodbye. If you make a wise spending choice, you should experience far fewer problems with a new car, and it should be more cost-effective for you to do so.

Your car is polluting the neighborhood

You will already know that car pollution is a problem in the world today, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Newer vehicles have been built with drive clean technologies, although older cars can also be fitted with technologies to help them pass an emissions test. However, depending on the age of your car, it might be that there is nothing you can do to stop it from being a pollutant. Many governments are trying to phase out older models because they are so dangerous to the environment. 

So, if your car has no chance of passing an emissions test, and if it will cost you a fortune to make it environmentally friendly, this is a sign that your car should no longer be on the roads. Replace it with something that won’t bring about the destruction of the world, such as an electric or hybrid vehicle.

Safety is an issue

Not only do you have your safety to consider, but you have your family and guest passengers to consider as well. Newer model cars are kitted out with many advanced safety features, such as rearview cameras, side airbags, and collision alerts. If the only safety feature your car can boast is a set of seat belts, then you might want to think about replacing it with something that can offer you more. Even if it’s just for your peace of mind, a car built with added safety as its focus should be considered. 

Of course, we need to go back to a previous point. If your car is in need of repair regularly, then it clearly isn’t very safe to drive. If you were to suddenly break down on the highway, the lives of yourself and your passengers could be put in danger. And we don’t need to tell you how dangerous a failed braking system could be, or any of these signs that indicate your car is unsafe to drive. A replacement car, provided you have done your homework and taken it for a test drive, should be a far safer proposition than your death trap of a motor. 

Is Now The Right Time To Replace Your Car?

Well, that’s for you to decide, obviously. But consider our reasons for and against.

If your car is safe to drive and has plenty more life in it, then you have every reason to keep it. This is especially true if retaining your older vehicle is better for your budget.

However, if your car spends more time at your local mechanic’s garage than your driveway, and if it is in danger of falling apart at any moment, then now might be the time to say goodbye to it. 

Consider our advice, and try to come to the right decision. And if the answer isn’t obvious? Well, that probably means there is no rush to decide, so bide your time until you know the time is right.


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