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Particle Cream Review: Men’s Skin is Benefiting from this Anti-Aging Cream

Sailun Tires

Millennials and Gen Z have different ideas about appearance and personal lifestyle than previous generations of men.

Sales of male-targeted skincare products have accelerated over the past few years, with many more men in the 18 to 34 age group following a skincare routine than men of over 50. Men are also increasingly looking for innovative skincare products that offer maximum benefits.

Men’s skin may be tougher, hairier and oilier than women’s skin but this doesn’t mean they don’t need a daily skincare routine. Us men are looking for an all in one product to save time. Who doesn’t use his Shampoo to wash his body as well?

Particle is an innovative anti-aging skin care solution for men. As men age, their skin produces less collagen and loses its ability to retain as much moisture. Keeping skin hydrated from the inside as well as the outside helps to keep it soft and smooth. The sun’s UV rays also cause damage, like dark spots and wrinkles.

Particle formulated a bunch of scientifically proven ingredients to address wrinkles and age spots, improve skin tone, help to protect skin for UV rays, increase collagen, and hydrate the skin. Let’s take a deeper look at the cream.

Anti-aging properties

Particle helps to moisturize the skin as it contains some quality ingredients designed to do just that.

The biochemists who formulated the cream took the specific nature of men’s skin into account to make sure the ingredients would penetrate it and help to lock in moisture. Ingredients such as Squalane and Hyaluronic are known for their ability to lock in moisture.

Six-in-one pro-active skincare

Daily care is essential to keep skin healthy and yet with the plethora of products available on the market, it is often difficult for men to decide on which products to use for daily care.

Particle cream provides the answer in that they only need to apply one cream to receive six different benefits. It works well for all different types of skin and by buying only one product instead of many, it can save money too. Particle is able to:

  1. Cleanse
  2. Tone
  3. Moisturize
  4. Exfoliate
  5. Detoxify
  6. Repair


A closed look at the ingredients

The 12 ingredients found in Particle have many different functions. They can firm up sagging skin, reduce circles under the eyes, alleviate redness and razor burn, and repair sun damage. They not only nourish the skin but even generate new tissue growth.

  • One of the ingredients in Particle is Vitamin E which is well-known as an antioxidant that can protect the skin from the damage caused by free radicals.
  • Jojoba oil is packed with antifungal and antibacterial properties and is not likely to clog pores and cause breakouts. Shea butter has been found in studies to sooth, tone and condition the skin. Glycerin fills in cracks in the skin and prevents problems associated with dryness.
  • Squalane oil helps with hydration of the skin and boosts collagen production and Allantoin and Hyaluronic acid also boost hydration and promote new tissue growth.
  • Coffee seed extract is a rich source of antioxidants and helps to promote smoother, healthier-looking skin.
  • Pentavitin also hydrates the skin and Symwhite combats an uneven skin tone and discoloration. Lactic acid also helps to improve skin tone and reduce the appearance of dark spots and wrinkles.

A daily skincare routine with quick results

Particle cream has a masculine, clean odor and it absorbs into the skin without leaving any residue. Some men’s skin products are on the greasy side which can be problematic as their skin is oilier than women’s skin.

Particle cream should be applied in the morning and evening. Gently rub a small amount of the cream into the skin in a circular motion. Concentrate on the areas around the eyes and the forehead.

You will probably be able to start seeing results within a week or two as the ingredients get to work. You get a 30-day money-back guarantee if you’re unhappy with the product so we figure this definitely worth a try.


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