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The Most Stylish New Looks for Men for 2021

Sailun Tires


2020 may have been the year for working in your pajamas and letting your beard grow wild. You might even have put on a few pounds, too, with all that in-home snacking. It won’t come as a surprise to anyone that most men will be searching for a new look in 2021 as they reemerge from their man caves back into the world. 2021 promises to be a year in which fashion can make a bold statement about the world you want to be part of and how you see yourself within it. Take time to think about the statement you want to make with your style in 2021. 

Clean Cut and Crisp

The past decade has been the year for hipster beard oils and manicured mustaches, but that is all set to change. While the beard won’t be entirely out of fashion, and there will still be stylish options to add some facial hair to your look, clean-shaven faces will undoubtedly become more prominent. Clean shaves show that while you may have let yourself go in 2020, in 2021, you are putting the effort in, and you want to take care to look professional. The clean-shaven face matched with a crisp haircut shows care for daily maintenance and pride in your appearance. 


As we get back into the workplace, we may notice that somethings will have changed forever. You might realize that you don’t need an expensive suit for each day of the week and you can still look good and be productive while feeling a little more relaxed in your clothing. Casual clothing will be fashionable with stylish brands like neighborhood clothing making the world feel a little more relaxed while still looking fantastic. Casual clothing will also allow your personality to shine through a little more, so don’t be afraid to choose t-shirts with prints that you are particularly drawn to or colors that make you feel good. 


With campaigns like ACT NOW getting attention in industry-leading magazines like Vogue, it will come as no surprise that sustainability will be a significant factor in fashion going forward. An environmentally-friendly fashion trend means upcycling and remaking old patterns into new styles will be on-trend. Alongside this, expect cheap disposable fast fashion items to be on the decline. Instead, more durable, long-lasting fabrics will be part of most wardrobes. Men’s capsule wardrobes will be seen as a better alternative to a new look for every season. There will also be a focus on utility, making outfits that can be used for numerous situations. 

The most significant fashion statement for 2021 is about being yourself. As we come back into the world, we have a chance to reinvent who we are and make our clothing choices become value statements rather than conforming to convention. Choose color palettes that make you smile and outfits that reflect your values and not just the values of your employer. However, you choose to look in 2021, make a choice that boosts your confidence and makes you want to step boldly out into the year ahead. 


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