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6 Simple Ways to Prevent Cavities

Sailun Tires

An average adult gets about three cavities in their lifetime.

Cavities can be hard to avoid if you are not serious about your oral health.

If you continue to partake in unhealthy foods, neglect regular brushing and ignore your dentist’s advice, you are leaving the door open for tooth decay and a host of other oral problems.

Making a few small changes in your daily routine can go a long way in making sure you don’t develop cavities.

1. Practice Proper Brushing Techniques

Poor brushing techniques can increase your risk of developing cavities.

Brushing too hard, using the wrong toothbrush and not brushing long enough are some of the common mistakes people make which can potentially damage your teeth and gums.

Here are some things you should keep in mind while brushing your teeth.

  • Brushing Time – Brush your teeth for at least two minutes. Many people often rush their brushing routine and only tend to brush for around 30 seconds. This will only pave the way for cavities.
  • Stay Focused – Focus on your teeth while brushing. Doing other tasks like walking around the house or talking to another person won’t help you do a good job at cleaning your teeth.
  • Brushing Angle – Hold your brush at a 45-degree angle and use small circular motions. Don’t move your brush side to side.
  • Toothbrush Quality – Use toothbrushes that have soft bristles. Replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months.

2. Start Flossing

Flossing plays a crucial role in preventing plaque buildup which is one of the major reasons for tooth decay.

If plaque is left on our teeth, the bacteria will eventually start to break down on the surface of the tooth which will lead to cavities.

A toothbrush cannot reach the difficult areas of the teeth which is why it is important to floss to remove the food particles trapped in those areas.

Before brushing, spend about 10-15 minutes flossing your teeth.

3. Cut Back On Sugary & Starchy Foods

People who consume more sugary and starchy foods are more prone to developing cavities.

This is because the bacteria in your mouth use the sugar and starch present in sugary drinks and sweets to produce acidic compounds which break down the teeth.

Prolonged exposure to these acids can lead to demineralization of the tooth and cause cavities.

While you don’t have to avoid sweets and snacks altogether, make sure you consume them in limited quantities. Avoid constant snacking to prevent repeated acid attacks.

4. Visit Your Dentist

Getting a checkup at the dentist can help you determine whether your teeth are in good condition or at risk of developing cavities.

Knowing your cavity risk level can help you determine the next step you should take regarding oral treatments or the changes you should make in your oral routine.

The dentist will give you instructions regarding how you should care for your teeth to prevent cavities.

Many dentists often prescribe dental probiotics to help with tooth decay, plaque formation and gum disease. These supplements work by restoring healthy bacteria in the mouth which in turn reduces the risk of oral diseases.

Smile Brilliant’s dental probiotic supplements are a good option for keeping a check on dental cavities. They are specially formulated to fight against plaque buildup and tooth decay by creating a population of good bacteria.

5. Get More Fluoride

Fluoride is very important to prevent tooth decay since it makes your teeth more resistant to acid attacks from bacteria.

You can get more fluoride in the following ways.

    • Drink a pint of fluoride water every day.
    • Use a toothpaste that has a high concentration of fluoride.
    • Use a fluoride mouthwash.
    • Consider taking fluoride supplements.

6. Quit Smoking

Tobacco smoke can seriously damage your teeth and increase your risk of developing several oral diseases including cavities.

Studies reveal that people who smoke show higher levels of plaque buildup in their teeth and several gum problems. 

If you are serious about your oral health, quitting smoking should be your first step.


Remember, prevention is better than cure. Follow our simple suggestions and there’s no chance you’ll have to deal with dental cavities.

But leaving cavities untreated can cost you both your teeth and money. 

So if you suffer from symptoms like toothache, swelling gums, or a  hole in your teeth, make sure you consult a dentist immediately. These symptoms could indicate cavities in your teeth that need immediate treatment.


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