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How to Become a Good Writer

Sailun Tires

Good writers can effectively communicate with their audience through a written medium. They possess writing skills that allow them to express themselves and spark the interest of their readers. They can be paper writers for college students or professionals that have created compelling stories. Whatever their profession is, they have spent countless hours refining their skills and continuously learning how to become a better writer.

If you are a professional, student, or hobbyist looking to refine your writing skills, this article can help you on your journey. Becoming a skilled author will take time and dedication, which not all individuals possess. Despite this, we will provide several ways for you to improve your writing skills and become the best author you can be.

Tip 1. Be a Consistent Reader and Writer

One of the best ways to improve a skill is to develop consistency. If you want to become a good writer, you will need to read and write daily. For beginners, you can start by reading popular and well-praised literature. You can look for books, articles, or journals that are relevant to your preferred fields and aim to learn. After reading, you can practice your writing skills by writing about what you read or reflecting on certain events.

Keep in mind that you do not need to finish a single book within a day or spend straight long hours writing. You must aim to build a consistent habit of reading and writing. Practicing these skills for an hour every day can be more beneficial than practicing twice a week for eight straight hours.

Tip 2. Keep a Journal

Expanding on consistency, keeping a journal will allow you to practice writing daily. You can note down interesting ideas, describe the places you visit, and conduct personal reflection at the end of the day. Reading the journal will also allow you to assess your skill improvements and identify your weaknesses. Journal keeping can be a useful tool to develop essential writing skills and provide you with insights that you may otherwise forget or overlook.

Tip 3. Take Care of Your Health

Writing is a mentally exhausting activity that requires analysis, critical thinking, creativity, and knowledge about a topic. One of the most important tips on becoming a better writer is to take care of your overall health. This includes your physical well-being and your mental health. You should try to engage in physical activities, such as jogging, aerobic exercises, or casual walking. These activities can help improve your mental capabilities and make sure that you are fully awake when writing.

For your mental health, make sure to take breaks after long sessions and avoid writing while you are stressed. A stressed mind will have issues with focus and efficiency, which will greatly affect the quality of your work. If you find yourself stressed or out of focus, consider taking a casual walk or short nap. They can help your mind reset and forget the things that are stressing you out.

Tip 4. Write About What You Love

If you are a beginner-level writer, you may find tasks about random topics difficult and time-consuming. These tasks may be about topics that you have no knowledge of or topics that you find boring. Taking on these tasks may result in you disliking writing as you will find it too tedious and dull. To avoid this, you can begin with tasks that are related to your interests. Writing about topics that your care about will allow you to easily construct paragraphs and have a plethora of ideas to discuss.

This activity is helpful for beginner writers as they can focus more on technical aspects, such as grammar and spelling, instead of facts and credible sources. However, it is important to note that working on tasks regarding other topics is essential on how to become a good writer.

Tip 5. Always Begin with a Draft

A draft is the first version of your work and is an essential step in creating a well-written piece. Most authors create multiple drafts before they finalize their work and release it for their audience to read. This shows that drafts are common tools for experienced writers and that aspiring authors can greatly benefit from them.

Creating a draft will allow you to continuously work on a paper without worrying about grammar, spelling, and formats. In academic paper writing, a draft can be helpful for students as they can freely discuss their ideas without thinking about academic instructions. For creative authors, drafts allow them to continuously tell the story inside their minds without accounting for progression or loopholes. Once an author finishes their draft, they can begin to edit and refine the content of their work.

Tip 6. Remember the Fundamentals

Academic or college writing teaches students about the standard essay format of introduction, body, and conclusion. It tells authors that a document should always have these sections and that each paragraph should discuss one idea. Aspiring writers can utilize these fundamentals not only in academic tasks but in other styles of writing. Creative stories, news articles, blog posts, speeches, and even poems follow a similar structure. Keeping the fundamentals in mind is one way on how to become a good writer.

Tip 7. Be Concise

One of the goals of a good writer is to effectively communicate their message with the audience. To do this, they will need to use concise sentences to avoid confusing the readers. They should avoid unnecessarily long sentences and paragraphs. They should be aware if their sentences contain too many punctuation marks. Additionally, inexperienced writers often use wordy phrases like “have the ability to,” which is a long way of saying “can.” This is a common mistake that can make a sentence ineffective.

Along with wordy phrases, some authors also use the word “very” to describe certain topics. Using this word lessens the impact of the sentence since it tends to divert the focus of the reader. Authors should instead look for alternative and efficient words to describe their topics. For example, they can replace “very angry” with “outraged” or “very beautiful” with “gorgeous.” These words provide more impact to the reader and create vivid descriptions.


Becoming a better writer requires mastering useful skills and engaging in activities that promote one’s well-being. It can be a daunting task, and some may even feel discouraged when they face criticism. The tips in this article will prepare you for the challenges on how to become a good writer and provide you with the knowledge to continue improving your writing skills.


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