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Tips To Making Your Mornings Easier

Sailun Tires

For some, mornings can be a real chore. Getting up in the morning and getting your day started can be one of the hardest things to do. We have a few tips for you that will help make your mornings a little easier and help you start the day on the right foot. After all, you have so much to accomplish in your day, so it should start out great!

A Good Night’s Sleep Is Key To A Good Morning

How you sleep will affect how your day goes the next day. No one wants to go into work sleepy and achy from the night before. It can affect your thought process, your productivity, and your mood. If you are not sleeping well, you may be asking yourself how long does a mattress last? Mattress manufacturers will say a mattress can last about eight to ten years. There are factors that will determine how long it will last, such as the quality of your mattress, how often you use it, and the weight of those using it.

If you are finding that your sleep quality has changed over the years, it may be time to replace that broken down, saggy mattress so you can get a good night’s sleep for work the next day., especially if some major mattress sales like, for example, Memorial Day mattress sale, are approaching.

Get Prepared the Night Before

What you do the night before can really affect how your morning goes. There are things you can do to prepare for the next day that will make mornings easier.

Lay out your clothes – Lay out your outfit for the next day. Grab everything you will need, including socks and underwear, and place them in an easy-to-access location.

Preset your coffee machine – Who doesn’t love to wake up to the smell of fresh brewing coffee? Go ahead and fill your coffee maker with the filter, water, and coffee grounds. Then preset your coffee machine. Have it start brewing five minutes before you get out of bed. This way you will smell it as you wake up and it will be ready to be poured into a cup right away.

Pack your lunch – Packing your lunch the night before not only saves you time in the morning, it also saves you money. Think about it, what is the one thing that gets ignored if you are running late? Your packed lunch! It’s not like you won’t get hungry. At lunch, you run out and spend money on lunch. Save yourself time and money, pack ahead.

Keys, coat, and bags – Put your keys, coat and bags in a location that is easy to get to as you are walking out the door. No one wants to spend precious minutes in the morning looking for those keys you tossed on the couch when you came in last.

Less Stress Makes For A Better Day

If you have done all your preplanning and have gotten a good night’s sleep, your morning will be so much easier. Set your alarm for five minutes before you need to get up. Set it to wake you with a calm noise or music. This allows you to start walking up without being jolted awake which can start your morning out rough. The second alarm will be the one that gets you out of bed.

Grab that cup of coffee and get moving. Your clothes are already laid out, your lunch is already packed, and you have had a great night sleep on your amazing new mattress. Many people find that music in the morning also helps them start their day on the right foot. Turn up the tunes or toss in some earbuds if others in your home are still sleeping. There is nothing wrong with a little dancing in the morning to get your day started!

Since you are so prepared for your day, you may be able to leave even just five to ten minutes earlier for work. These extra minutes on the road will mean there is less pressure to get there and should make the drive in easier without all the stress.

With these tips, you should be able to start your day on the right foot. This will make for a productive day and a happier, healthier you.


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