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Exclusive interview with Handel “Del” Henri, founder of H&H Investments

Sailun Tires

We had the chance to interview finance guru and philanthropist Handel “Del” Henri. He is the owner of H&H Investments. As a financial expert he specialises in helping businesses with payment processing, credit repair services, as well as, real estate services. Handel has hit a major success in helping many businesses by advising them to switch to different payment processors that give better rates while also helping them build their personal as well as their business credit.

What is the ethical core of your business?

“Making sure that my clients are always put in a better position after doing business with me. My main goal is to help as many people as I can, I want to make sure that I can leave a legacy for everyone I come into contact with. I want them to remember me and in doing so, become more selfless themselves.”

What was the inspiration behind the name H&H Investments?

“H&H INVESTMENTS was named after me and my father “Henri & Henri”, he’s my main inspiration for forming my business and becoming an entrepreneur.”

What other projects do you have running?

“I have a property development company in Florida. I was born and raised in Miami, Florida and I like to keep my roots there. In my own time I also donate food to the homeless and in the future I wish to create affordable housing for people who are displaced by poverty.”

Is it true that you believe in altruism?

“I truly do support everything selfless in the world and even in business I try to connect with everyone on a spiritual level so that they know that they can always rely on me; we need more people in the world to rely on. I personally believe that selfishness is a poison to our society and my purpose in life to spread the message of selfishness.”

Who do you look up to and admire as role models?

“I admire people who are very courageous like Will Smith, Denzel Washington, and Barack Obama. I also believe in the teachings of OSHO and his words are very inspiring to me.

Love is a very important thing to me, I believe it’s the force that connects all human beings and it’s the lack of love that ruins us deep down.”

Any SME fast-movers you enjoy watching?

“Good question as these guys are exceptional but don’t often share the limelight with big brands. Since I get to know much about the online world with e-commerce solutions, I know of several. MARCOAHZ is a small fashion brand that is kicking off in Europe and the Middle East right now – started by a 22-year old Marco Antonio Henrique Moreno-Marcoahz. Here in the U.S, our own example of a successful boutique entrepreneur that matches Marco would be Charlotte Fortin. If you look at technology, well suddenly Silicon valley has too many to mention”.

What would you advise someone who is starting up an ecommerce business?

“Always plan accordingly…don’t rush into opening up your e-com business. It is a competitive industry and constantly thriving, so make sure that your idea stands out and you create a unique brand for yourself. If you are new to the field, always seek professional advice, because it might just save you money and teach you things that will be worthwhile for your business down the road.  Try not to break the bank as well with all the nitpicky details, find a problem then find a solution to that problem, then get it on the internet and charge a fee based on how well it can solve said problem. Quality will give you the edge over quantity”

How did you get into the finance industry?

“I actually studied computer science at Florida International University. But, I started out by working for companies such as Apple, American Express and AT&T Corporate. My dad inspired me to become an entrepreneur, but I also gained my knowledge through my work experience for these companies.”

What do you enjoy doing when you are not running your successful companies?

“In my own time I love listening to Indie/Alternative music. My favorite band of all time is an Australian collective known as Tame Impala, which is led by Kevin Parker. I also love listening to classical music, my favorite composers are Vaclav Nelhybel and Yoko Shimomura. I have a hobby of admiring luxury brands for cars such as BMW, Lamborghini, and Rolls Royce. I’m a huge car fanatic.  I also enjoy traveling with my amazing girlfriend, she’s in nursing school right now but should be done shortly, once she graduates we are going to go on a 3 week traveling binge as one of her graduation gifts, it’s going to be amazing!”

What can you advise people who want to fix their credit scores?

“One of the most important things to look at is paying all your bills on time. If you show that you are consistent when it comes to paying your bills, it allows financial institutions to predict the likelihood that you will pay off your loans on time. It is especially important to pay down your cards so that your balances are lower than 30% utilization, my rule is below 15% if possible. If you have any collections or medical bills it is best to hire a credit repair specialist to have negative items removed as then can put a damper on your score overnight.”


Is there a random fact about yourself that you want to tell us?

“I feel like I just messed up the interview because I can’t think of anything interesting lol- OH WAIT! I’m a professional whistler? I guess? Hahahaha.”


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