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Closet Cleanse: Time for a Wardrobe Spring Cleaning

Sailun Tires

We are literally living in a Stephen King/ M. Night Shyamalan horror flick. A pandemic that has us in quarantine unable to go outside or directly interact with each other. We can live in fear or look at it as a reset. I say we reset and plan for when things get back to whatever version of normal our world will be hopefully by fall.

It’s a great time to do things we might have thought of and put off because we didn’t have the time, well now we have an abundance of free time.

How many mornings have you opened your closet and immediately get frustrated because everything in it repulses you? Now is the time to cleanse that closet and get it right for when we have to get back to the outside world, even if we will be wearing face mask like Sub-Zero and Scorpion.

You might have a few key pieces that you are ok with wearing BUT you have worn them many times the previous week so, you are not excited about wearing any of it this morning. Getting dressed should be a dopamine rush, it should aid in your excitement and optimism for the day. Your appearance states what you want people to know about you from a distance. More importantly it helps in you having a great day because what you are wearing is your war armor and when you step out into the world you want them to know you came ready to win the war.

What is my color palette?

One of the main reasons this happens is because you don’t truly know what colors look good on you. Understanding your color palette is the best way to purchase clothing. When you know what colors make your hair shade, skin tone and eye color pop. Its colors, shades and sheens. Some shades of blue might look amazing on you while others wash you out so it’s important to know this.

Most of us fall into a cool, warm or neutral undertone. 

Cool undertones work best with coral colors, bright whites, light grays and jewel tone (blues, emerald-greens and purples). For a reference Will Smith has a cool undertone. 

Warm undertones are best complimented by orange, reds and yellows. Ryan Reynolds falls in this category. 

Then there is the neutral crowd, who like David Beckham, can usually rock the entire spectrum of colors. 

A great app to help you figure this is out is This amazing app allows you to take a face only selfie then it color analyzes and chooses the perfect palette for you. It is a fantastic app to add to your style arsenal.

Why you should NOT follow ‘trendy’ clothing styles?

As a rule I always tell clients to avoid buying trendy clothes. Most are not well made, they last for a short period of time, they don’t look good on everyone and they take away your individual identity.

When shopping you should have a good idea of what classic silhouettes work on you. Trends come and go but good style has a lasting power. Whether it is suit, a great jacket, leather jacket even jeans the right pair never goes out of style.

When you buy clothes that speak to you and help tell the story you want to tell as an individual it helps you be unique. Your style represents the framing you want the world to know from a distance, if you look exactly like everyone, what is your story? 

Most importantly trends are a waste of money since they change so quickly, so why not be more purposely with your hard earned shopping dollar.

How should my clothes fit?

Fit is a key component, if not the MOST important thing to consider when shopping. It shouldn’t be too baggy nor should it fit like second skin. Skinny jeans were a trend that faded thankfully. If you are a guy with muscles no need to buy the L if you are a XXL, it makes the statement you are trying way too hard.

Have you ever bought an off the rack dress shirt that had the right neck size and body was the right fit but the sleeves ended up 2 inches too short or when you button it the buttons are pulling slightly apart? Put on a pair of pants that were right in the waist but your thighs and hips where choking, and when you go up a size up the other two things are out of whack? Off the rack clothing are challenging for those that are not of a standard build. In these instances it’s important to take it to your tailor for minor alterations or leave it on the rack and get something more precise fit by going the made-to-measure/custom route.

Clothes should accentuate your best features while allowing you to be comfortable. The key is understanding your body type and what will suit you. Not everything we see on a model in a magazine will translate unless you have a very similar body type and structure. 

Why should I have a plan when going shopping?

When you decide you are going shopping ensure you have a plan. The 3 W’s come into play

  • What are you buying?
  • Why are you buying it?
  • What is it replacing?

Following this guideline will ensure that you spend less time wondering around the mall. It eliminates impulse buying. It will ensure that you are not stuffing your closets with items that you don’t need. If you are buying a new jacket it should be because you are getting rid of an old one that the new item is replacing. 

It helps to imagine yourself in the outfits in varied forms so you know if it’s going to be a go to item or clutter with the tag still on it in three months. 

Effective Online Shopping Strategy

More than 50% shopping is done online. People enjoy the convenience and relative ease that online shopping provides.

To effectively maximize good results:

  • Fit is even more crucial when shopping online so look for those chart guidelines and ensure its your size
  • Add things to your cart but don’t impulse buy, most online retailers will see that you are waiting and offer further discounts to nudge the purchase, so win win for you.
  • Check the sellers/designers instagram page to see varied looks on different model types 
  • Check feel and texture of fabric types by comparing other items in your closet to what you are considering buying online

Lastly, it’s a good rule of thumb that if you haven’t worn an item in 12 months, you don’t need it in your closet. Unless it’s a classic or vintage piece there is no reason to keep it if you are not having an occasion to wear it within a year. It’s got to go, but don’t throw it in the garbage to become a part of a landfill, do something good and donate it so it can be used by someone else. Happy shopping and fall in love with your wardrobe again!


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