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CBD Oil and Cannabidiol Benefits for Swiss Users

Sailun Tires

Due to the demand for CND oil without THC, the best producers have decided to produce a THC-free hemp extract as the best European manufacturer. You can now feel good with 0% THC CBD products and find the best JustBob selections of CBD in Switzerland!

Besides, you can legally use the best European CBD products in Switzerland as any CBD oil, flower or hash with less than 1 % THC is legal in the country,

What is CBD?

CBD is the abbreviation for cannabidiol. It is one of more than 100 chemical compounds (called cannabinoids) found in the cannabis plant.

Is CBD cannabis intoxicating?

CBD is not intoxicating. It is the THC of the cannabis plant which, in large quantities, has an intoxicating effect.

Is CBD oil legal?

Yes, it is allowed in Switzerland because the THC content is below the legal limit of 1%.

What effects and side effects does CBD oil have?

CBD organic hemp-oils have a relaxing effect.

About side effects? Some people get comfortably tired of it. We also hear that CBD oil can change appetite somewhat.

Does CBD oil have any healing properties?

Many scientific studies show the therapeutic potential of CBD cannabis. You can find some articles and blogs about “CBD in Science” online.

Can I drive a car after using CBD?

Swissmedic recommends not taking part in road traffic after consuming CBD.

  • Reason: CBD has a calming and relaxing effect, leading to poor concentration in some people.

I’m pregnant. Is CBD okay with me?

CBD is considered very safe. Only pregnant women should not use CBD supplements, as they may influence the function of the placenta.

But CBD products are also great for pets …

It is how you can use CBD oil on your dog.

Many dog ​​owners want to use CBD oil on their dog. CBD oil is generally used for chronic inflammation, anxiety, and pain. You can find out how to use and for dogs here.

CBD oil is now being used successfully by so many people that more and more dog owners want to know how they can use CBD oil on their dog.

Despite the widespread use of CBD oil, research into the oil’s effects and properties is still in its infancy. However, initial studies indicate promising potential uses, for example, in fears, cancer, painful joint diseases such as osteoarthritis or arthritis, in irritable bowel syndrome, and generally in chronic inflammatory diseases.

CBD oil for pain and CBD oil for anxiety

Many of these complaints are also found in dogs. Today, many dog ​​owners wonder whether CBD oil could perhaps even be used in their four-legged friends and, if so, in what dosage and concentration.

Especially for painful joint diseases in old age, veterinary medicine offers just as few solutions as human medicine.

It would help if you gave your dog the anti-inflammatory drugs rich in side effects. It often suffers from gastrointestinal complaints, which again requires the administration of new medications rich in side effects, so that one always fluctuates between the various evils.

In many cases, CBD oil can alleviate symptoms without side effects.

Many dogs also suffer from a wide variety of anxiety states, be it during fireworks, before driving a car or because they have had traumatic experiences and have to overcome them again. Here too, CBD oil could be used due to its mood-enhancing and anti-anxiety properties.

In the same way, thanks to its anti-inflammatory effects, CBD oil can be used to support many other chronic and/or inflammatory diseases to improve well-being.

Is CBD oil approved for pets?

Of course, there have long been special CBD oil products for dogs (or for cats and horses) on the market.

However, there is currently no approval as a feed additive for these products in the EU, so the CBD oil is often only used for “grooming”, i.e. for external use, is offered or accordingly declared.

However, a survey of veterinarians showed that their patient owners now ask 50% about the use of CBD oil in dogs or cats.

Therefore, it is not easy for veterinarians to discuss the subject with patient owners, as they either are not familiar with the use of CBD oil or have to reckon with unpleasant consequences if they recommend it since this is not a medicine.

However, based on the studies available so far and the experience reports available, one can now assess very well to what extent CBD oil could be well used for dogs and pets.


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