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Essentials To Be A Gentleman With Khaled Mazeedi

Sailun Tires

Have we become oblivious to the concept of etiquette in the 21st century? Bringing up the word in a conversation is like speaking a myth of colonial conquest seeking lost treasures in a world fraught with danger. The fact is that etiquette is a lost art, buried beneath centuries of globalization and modernization.

Today, the concept of etiquette holds a negative stigma, reserved for old fashioned elitists and wannabe aristocrats.

These so called Victorian era rules seldom have a place in today’s fast-paced society but they’re in need more than ever.

It doesn’t stop there. Etiquette, chivalry and character are one of the many traits that define a true gentleman, another forgotten art.

Now, the word is loosely used as a form of expression. For example, when opening the door for a lady, we often hear  “you’re such a gentleman”. Is this what a gentleman has been reduced to?, a condescending form of gratitude to an act of modern day chivalry. Surely, it’s the only logical interpretation to a term that used to be reserved for only the greatest men in society.

What’s left of the once grandeur label that distinguished the classy from the non classy. One might assume that chivalry is dead, however, we do think that, although far and in-between, there is still a rare breed of gentlemen out there.

Scrolling through social media we’re presented with so many different types of people but every now and then we filter between them and take notice of men who are refined, stylish, well mannered and down right badass. Men we consider to be the last of a dying breed.

One public figure we’ve covered, Khaled Mazeedi, definitely hits all the marks. This savvy Tech Mogul has built his empire in a charming way. Some call him sophisticated, with a polished personality poised for success, while others label him as overly extravagant and pretentious. To each his own we say, but in our opinion Khalid is most definitely what we would label a modern gentleman.

The social media sensation has over 3.5 million youtube subscribers and over 2.3 million Instagram followers but that hasn’t stopped him from always looking sharp, being well spoken and cultivated. He’s been labeled as the “Sheikh of Social Media” and has plenty of awards to show for it, winning Arab creator of the year at the YouTuber Prestige Awards and Best International Influencer at the MTV IMW Awards, as well as the Mr. Aficionado at the International Connoisseur Awards.


Before celebrity stardom this internet entrepreneur was able to seize his opportunity in emerging-marketing developing innovative tech applications, and made millions doing it. It’s rad that he is able to cross over into different industries and leave his mark.

With that being said, Mazeedi clearly has an affinity for the finer things, clearly documented on his YouTube channel and Instagram pages, taking a liking to exotic cars, chateau-like properties, unique watches and chic women, this dapper gentleman has got some real swagger. But what’s underneath It all?

We had the chance to interview Mazeedi and without surprise he showed up in a 2 tone Lamborghini sporting a Jaquet Droz skeleton timepiece, with some retro Cazal shades, dressed in a Brioni suit toting a cigar. What an entrance.

We got the chance to ask this gentleman a series of questions.

What’s your favourite watch maker?

Jaquet Droz. They are a boutique brand but the amount of detail and sophisticated work that goes into their timepieces is unparalleled. I especially love their minute repeaters, they are unique masterpieces. Their watches have character and elegance and I like the fact that the brand is relatively unknown. I’m a person who gravitates towards smaller lesser known craftsmen that love what they do.

How did you get into social media?

It wasn’t intentional really. I decided I wanted to post some snippets of my life on my Instagram and people began to take notice. I had some extra time on my hands and decided to post some YouTube videos of my travels around the world and one thing led to another, I enjoy taking my exotic cars to different countries and driving them around the world and I guess people kind of enjoyed me chronicling my adventures. It really started as a hobby at first and I honestly started to enjoy the whole thing so I began taking it a little bit more seriously and it’s now grown into something beyond what I would have ever imagined.

What’s your biggest tip to new internet entrepreneurs?

Never give up, always be persistent and believe in yourself, invest in yourself, learn the tools you need to become successful in whatever it is that you’re doing. If there’s something you can’t understand, try to get help from others, there is always a way if there is a will.

What are your favourite cities?

There are a few cities that come to mind that I absolutely adore. I would say one of them would be Geneva, Switzerland. It’s a fine place with lots of interesting people and I especially like the fact that most of my favourite watch manufacturers are within vicinity and I also appreciate the access to great restaurants and interesting landmarks. I also like the fact that it’s very centrally located in Europe and I can quickly get to Italy, France, Germany, Austria, or make a quick run to Monaco.

Where are you based?

Currently I’m between Geneva, Dubai, and Los Angeles. I like Dubai because I feel the city is very progressive and is built on a good vision. Even though the climate is harsh, I like the fact that the government supports entrepreneurship, investment and supports commerce and development. It’s also multicultural and centrally located which means it’s a great base for anyone who is multiversed. On the other hand, California’s is great because of the climate and the accessibility to people with so many interesting ideas, the place is a breeding ground for innovation and that’s one thing I really like about it.

What are your most important tips for an aspiring gentleman?

Always work on building and improving your character, focus on having good ethics and having good self control in the face of adversity. Being well spoken and speaking well of people is an essential mannerism. If you must offer criticism, do so gently and privately, never around other people. Self control is also a big one, it’s true that you cannot control the behaviour and reactions of people around you but one thing you are in control of is your reaction to whatever it is being thrown at you. What distinguishes a gentleman between one that isnt is their self control and their ability to assess and react to a situation in the best way possible.

What are important traits to being elegant and classy?

I would say being appreciative and striving in the journey of self improvement is a very important trait in developing class. A person who puts in the work to refine their character and is able to become a leader can really distinguish themselves from the pack. I also think having the motivation and courage to present yourself in the best way possible can take you a long way. Another very important characteristic that is rarely mentioned as well is the way you treat people, not just in your social circle but people you come across on a day to day basis, from all walks of life. Treat everyone with grace and kindness.

Do you have any style advice?

Indeed I do, the most important thing to consider about style is that it’s an extension of your personality. Pick out the best quality in whatever style or look you levitate to or come to like. Second, understand what works with your body type, you can read up online and if you can’t figure it out, try to find the best local tailor in the area to give you sound advice. I think it’s important to find a tailor who is able to understand what works best for your body.



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