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10 Small Business Ideas That Cost Little or Nothing to Get Started

Sailun Tires

The entrepreneurial spirit remained strong during the pandemic, and there’s a good chance it’ll persist after it. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 5.4 million new business applications were filled in 2021, primarily in California, breaking the original 4.4 million record set in 2020.

You can join these business owners if you have time to spare. Even if you don’t have significant cash flow, it’s possible to build a profitable company that earns you more than a traditional job.

10 Small Businesses You Can Start For Less Than $100

Thanks to the internet and the increased access to information and international customers, you don’t need a degree or brick-and-mortar store to make a killing with the following startup ideas.

1. Dropshipping

Unlike a traditional retail business, you don’t need to manufacture, store, or ship your products. All you need to do is learn how to fulfill dropshipping orders and pick the right supplier. While startup costs are low, you still need to market to your audience and sell the right products.

2. Cleaning Service

Building cleaners, janitors, and housekeepers earn $30,000 a year, but private cleaners often make much more. Plus, cleaning supplies are inexpensive. If you want to turn your cleaning service into a franchise, it’ll cost $15,000, but you’ll have a business that’s always in demand.

3. Personal Training

If you love to work out and have a webcam, you can start a personal training business for basically nothing. However, you will need to have your own gym equipment and a lot of space for certain exercises. You’ll also have to market your business to potential clientele online.

4. Tutoring

It used to be harder to market a tutoring business, but thanks to online platforms like and, you can grow your startup with relative ease. If you’re good at any subject, whether it’s chess, cooking, or math, you can charge $50-$100 an hour for your services. You may also find an excellent tutor in Melbourne to help you with your maths learning.

5. Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistants offer a wide range of services, and most of this work can be done right from home if you have a computer and internet connection. If you have training as an administrative assistant, you can easily transition into this role unless you want to specialize your services.

6. Bookkeeping

Bookkeepers don’t need to have a bachelor’s degree to operate so long as you don’t file anyone’s taxes. If you currently run a small business, you likely use several accounting tools to manage expenses, invoicing, and administrative tasks, so you may already have experience.

7. Consulting

If you’re self-disciplined, empathetic, and a good listener, you could become a life skill, peer, business, drug, or alcohol counselor. While counselors don’t need a bachelor’s degree, it’s a good idea to get certified. This ensures you’re giving your clients actionable and safe advice.

8. eBay Sales

The used sales market can make you a lot of money if you know how to shop for deals. From flea market vending to selling used clothes on Poshmark, your options are virtually endless. However, eBay sales can provide you with flexibility as it’s online and targets all markets.

9. Pet Sitting

Rover has made it possible for novice pet sitters to find clients and make a profit, but you can charge more if you build your professional credentials. To make a large amount of income, you’ll eventually need subcontractors or employees, but your startup costs will be less than $100.

10. Errand Service

Some clients need people to do odd jobs, like go to the store or change a tire. If you pick the right niche, you could build a profitable errand service. An errand service can tie into a rideshare service, grocery delivery, and scrap metal recycling, which can also generate a profit.



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