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Kick-start your Fitness Journey with these 5 Steps

Sailun Tires

Summer is just around the corner and we are waking up out of hibernation mode. This winter, though not the worst of Canadian winters still kept us cold, cuddled up inside watching Netflix.

Any kind of exercise was definitely a challenge, especially when the gym was packed immediately after New Year’s Eve. I’m assuming not many of those New Year’s resolutions made it into February. But if you are one of the lucky ones who stuck it out, poured your sweat, blood and tears into the gym. Applause. We are proud of you!

Now, for the ones who didn’t make it through don’t worry. We have all been there and we’ve all fallen off the wagon. Just so you know, many resolutions never hit the finish line. Do you know why? Because we have such high expectations and set unrealistic goals. It all starts with small baby steps, simple things to get you through each day.

You will not fail and you won’t feel guilty about falling off the wagon. Repeat after me, I.Am.Human. Yes, it’s allowed to happen and that is ok. I think that’s what makes the fitness and health journey so amazing. It isn’t easy and you get what you work for. So, if you’re reading this and have a bag of chips in your hand, put them aside. Let’s kick start this journey the right way, together! I’ve compiled a list of things you can do to get your butt into gear and feeling good about yourself. As I mentioned, baby steps.

1. Water

Water is the key to everything fitness and health related. Our bodies are mostly made up of water. So remember to drink at least 2 litres a day. Add some lemon, mint leaves or berries to change it up so it’s not so plane Jane. Staying hydrated will help you think better, feel better, your skin won’t be as dry. In the mornings you can have a warm cup of water and squeeze some lemon juice in there. It will start the organ engines prior to you filling them with food.

2. Breakfast

Absolutely the most important meal of the day. Eating the right foods in the morning will allow you to have more energy and put you on the right track so you don’t end up binge eating later. Some great breakfasts are egg whites with some greens and avocado, oats and berries, or even a green smoothie.

3. Daily Activity

No matter if you’re working or it’s your day off. Make a note to do something that picks up your heart rate once a day. Go for a long walk, take the stairs not the elevator. Go to the gym before or after work and break a sweat. All of these are better than sitting on the couch. I promise!

4. Lay-out Your Gear

We all hate waking up early or we forget to bring our gear with us. Try to be organized, lay your gym clothes out in the morning where you can see them. Better yet, wear them to bed! If you’d prefer to go after work, pack your gym back with all the essentials and take it with you. No excuses.

5. Make a Playlist

There is nothing like a good playlist to put you in the mood. Download some new tracks and pump yourself up. Whether you’re just walking or putting in a good gym session. A great playlist can make all the difference. Both Shazam and Spotify have great workout playlists for those of you having trouble making your own.


Those are the Go-To’s when trying to find motivation to get back onto that wagon! They’re not big jumps, just baby steps in the right direction. When you feel good, you want to keep that going and you’ll be your own motivation. Remember, don’t try to do it all at once. Everyone’s journey is different and so is your body. Treat it right, put in the work and you will begin to not only feel results you will see them.


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